View Full Version : what occupations do u have

28-11-07, 20:57
hi guys- unsure of how to do the poll thing. erm, well wud just like to know what kinds of occupations u guys have had and have currently. wud u say its one of the reasons ur panic triggers?
sam x

28-11-07, 21:24
I worked in mental health for 2 years and yes i would say it influenced the panic. I no longer do that though, I have a more relaxed job.

29-11-07, 20:12
I work as a support worker in a day centre. Have had various jobs within the care sector though.

29-11-07, 22:56
i work as a senior teaching assistant in a special needs school

29-11-07, 23:12
I am P.A. in a building society head office, some days can be stressful but its quite boring and i think that triggers anxiety cos I have too much time to think!

29-11-07, 23:30
I'm an IT technician and Resource Manager in a small primary school.

Have been a meal-time assistant, Learning Support Assistant, and Special Needs Teaching Assistant.....all in the same school lol !! Been there 22 yrs -

and yes, I think stress has a lot to do with it.

:hugs: :hugs:


30-11-07, 01:35
I work in a Pharmacy.. Looks stress free but... LOL

30-11-07, 01:59
I was an accountant in a local authority for many years. As a kind of side-job, I was quite involved with the union at work which entailed meeting members with personal issues and negotiating with the top brass on pay and conditions.

I feel that my anxiety has more to do with issues away from work though.

30-11-07, 02:08
Clerical work which was often stressful or boring or both! I'm sure the job had something to do with things becoming too much to cope with.

After a period out of work, I started working in a hospital and also for the British Red Cross which have given me much greater job satisfaction. I think doing an enjoyable job can help a lot in coping with anxiety.:hugs:

30-11-07, 05:34
I sell Real Estate.
I was a disabled pensioner before that.
Real estate is high stress but less stressful than doing nothing.
Phill :shades:

30-11-07, 12:47
In Local Government as a Housing and Council tax benefits officer and yes it's pretty stresful and I'm sue it's contributed to my present bout of illness, under constant pressure from customers to get paid and from bosses to acheive targets set by central government.
Have to see Occupational health doc next week which is adding to my anxiety as I'm sure they want to get me back to work to prevent a backlog.

30-11-07, 19:01
I'm in Local Government like Decca. I work in Housing, previously as a Maintenance Admin Manager but now as IT Manager and like Decca, the constantly changing targets, from both Local and Central Government add to the stress of my normal working day. Add to that those staff already off with stress and you end up with a ticking timebomb!!!

Take care

miss motown
30-11-07, 20:43
I Work In Theatre And Yes It Can Be Very Stressful Alot Of Awful Things We Get To See Does Play On Your Mind And Can Be Quite Upsetting

01-12-07, 08:36
I'm an engineer and test aircraft for a living. I love what I do as aircraft are a life long passion of mine however, it is a job where you operate under considerable pressure and the stakes can be quite high if you get it wrong.

That's not what causes me stress however. My problems were caused working in an organisation where the management were completely ruthless and would not listen to the voice of experience. Every decision was 'challenged', which caused me a lot of stress and destroyed my self confidence. Especially when I knew I was right but it's not what they wanted to hear. Pointless measurements were implemented and then there was a search for the guilty when something wasn't done right. A horrible, horrible experience and a dangerous culture in our line of work.

Happily, I moved jobs - I still do the same basic job but on a different project with management who seem to value my knowledge and experience. I'm still coming to terms with the anxiety my previous job caused, even a year on but I am slowly getting better. The physical symptoms have subsided to the point where I don't really notice them anymore but I still am plagued by bad unwanted thoughts.

I gave the previous job 6 years of total commitment and my home life suffered. None of the sods I used to work for enquire about my welfare, even now. In the 6 months I was off work, they never even replied to the emails I sent in to let them know how I was progressing.

To summarise, and I say this because I suspect many people on this site have anxiety problems caused by their job. I learned a a painful lesson and I'd like to share it with you - look out for your self and don't expect other people to manage your workload or welfare. You have to do that for yourself . No job is worth compromising your health for.

Sorry, thats a long answer to 'what job do you do?' but it touched a nerve. As you can see, it's still an emotive matter for me!!!
