View Full Version : Headache whole day, scared

23-09-23, 19:49
So, I've had a lot of stress yesterday and I haven't slept well but I was fine. I finally slept last night and I woke up with a terrible headache. My whole front head aches, like a tension headache but it doesn't pass after taking pills. I take something like your co codamol, paracetamol+codeine and it should help because it always helps, rarely not. That's why I am very worried that it's something sinister, like the beginning of a stroke or maybe something covid related because I think I had covid last week (I am completey fine now).

Can it really be just stress?

24-09-23, 05:01
Absolutely, yes. Headaches are just one of those things that happen, and painkillers don't always shift them.

24-09-23, 13:25
Hi Darlene. I’ve had a daily headache now for over a month. Stress, tight neck muscles and sinuses are all causes of headaches that resist pain meds. If it continues I suggest you talk to your doctor and maybe make an appointment with a massage therapist. It can be really helpful.

25-09-23, 03:58
I’ve had that too. It’s the worst because persistent headaches really freak me out. I’ve had something similar to your headache last a few weeks due to sinus issues. Have you tried Sudafed? I’m not sure what the equivalent for that is where you live, but here in Canada it’s used often for sinus issues. It’s quite powerful stuff really and worked well for my sinus related headaches

01-10-23, 11:43
Thank you all, it was due to horrible stress because the next day I was fine.