View Full Version : I’m not sure what happened. Help!

02-10-23, 15:38
Yesterday I was watching some crime show on TV. I wasn’t really following it intently but enough. Then they showed some scenes and I was confused like where did this guy come from? There’s no prelude. I didn’t think anything about it then.

Today I watched a movie at the cinema and twice I felt like some scenes got abruptly cut. Like they would start abruptly and normally I would think it’s just how it was edited or something, but of course me being me, I am worried I had seizures that made me lose time! That maybe I missed the beginning zoning out and when I came back to, it’s right to where I felt the scene suddenly started.

I didn’t feel anything afterwards after those occassions, no tiredness or disorientedness that’s sometimes associated with seizures. I also had a clean brain MRI 8 months ago, fwiw.

I wonder if you guys ever had something like this happened? Thank you.

03-10-23, 08:47
Was it an early episode the crime show? I personally find it takes a while to get into shows so I wouldn’t be alarmed if it felt like a jump which felt like I’d missed something - sometimes that’s the point.

With the cinema it sounds like you’re reading into this too much. You even say it is probably how it is edited. I think you were just hyper aware of it when you were at the cinema, which can be an anxiety trigger anyway if it’s a busy screening.

Sounds as though you are stuck in a bit of an anxious loop with watching tv. Maybe watch something familiar to reassure yourself?

03-10-23, 13:04
Was it an early episode the crime show? I personally find it takes a while to get into shows so I wouldn’t be alarmed if it felt like a jump which felt like I’d missed something - sometimes that’s the point.

With the cinema it sounds like you’re reading into this too much. You even say it is probably how it is edited. I think you were just hyper aware of it when you were at the cinema, which can be an anxiety trigger anyway if it’s a busy screening.

Sounds as though you are stuck in a bit of an anxious loop with watching tv. Maybe watch something familiar to reassure yourself?

I don’t know if this played a part, but a few days ago I did read a post about seizure on reddit. So I wonder if that made me think that way, or else I probably wouldn’t have thought about it. The more I think about the movie, I guess it did seem more like a technical glitch but I can’t say for sure :/ I even debated whether I should go back and watch it again but I don’t want to tempt fate and I don’t know what I’d do if things look normal.

I just finished fretting over my boob drama just before this, it’s like I can’t take a break! So tired. Now I’m scared watching TV lol.

Thank you for taking the time to reply 🙏🏻