View Full Version : My GP agrees health anxiety is taking over my life but I don't know what to do :(

03-10-23, 14:25
Ever since I can remember I've always been quite anxious, when I was a child i has separation anxiety with my mum which later developed into OCD, as I've gotten older and had my own children my health anxiety has become unbearable and the last few weeks it has got to the point I'm struggling to leave the house which is really difficult when my youngest is only a toddler.
I visited my GP a couple of weeks ago as I am aware I'm struggling I also wanted to ask her to check my breasts, I'd found out one of the mums on the school run had breast cancer and instantly asked what her symptoms were, I could feel myself preparing to examine myself as soon as I could, I've always had slight tender breasts but I became obsessed to the point I've been carrying out breast examines around 15 times if not more a day.
My GP examined me and said she was not concerned at all and couldn't feel anything she was worried about but if it reassured me she could refer me to the breast clinic but i can cancel anytime if I don't feel I want to go, she said I could be waiting up to 10 months for a appointment fast forward 3 weeks and I'm offered a appointment for next week my mind instantly goes into overdrive questioning why its come through so quick, I instantly go into fight or flight mode and my body empties itself, my heart races and I get straight onto Google to the cancer forums.
My GP also prescribed me antodepressents and beta blockers with a review next week but I don't find they are making a difference.
Whenever I try to do something enjoyable I feel like I'm not even in the room, like my body is there but my mind is just racing.
I seem to be able to feel every little ache or pain x100 and I just cannot cope with it anymore

04-10-23, 07:08
Ever since I can remember I've always been quite anxious, when I was a child i has separation anxiety with my mum which later developed into OCD, as I've gotten older and had my own children my health anxiety has become unbearable and the last few weeks it has got to the point I'm struggling to leave the house which is really difficult when my youngest is only a toddler.
I visited my GP a couple of weeks ago as I am aware I'm struggling I also wanted to ask her to check my breasts, I'd found out one of the mums on the school run had breast cancer and instantly asked what her symptoms were, I could feel myself preparing to examine myself as soon as I could, I've always had slight tender breasts but I became obsessed to the point I've been carrying out breast examines around 15 times if not more a day.
My GP examined me and said she was not concerned at all and couldn't feel anything she was worried about but if it reassured me she could refer me to the breast clinic but i can cancel anytime if I don't feel I want to go, she said I could be waiting up to 10 months for a appointment fast forward 3 weeks and I'm offered a appointment for next week my mind instantly goes into overdrive questioning why its come through so quick, I instantly go into fight or flight mode and my body empties itself, my heart races and I get straight onto Google to the cancer forums.
My GP also prescribed me antodepressents and beta blockers with a review next week but I don't find they are making a difference.
Whenever I try to do something enjoyable I feel like I'm not even in the room, like my body is there but my mind is just racing.
I seem to be able to feel every little ache or pain x100 and I just cannot cope with it anymore

I know this feeling very well. Breast cancer is a particular trigger for me due to family history. The doctor has reassured you. They referred you for your own peace of mind they made that very clear. They will not have marked the appointment as urgent hence why they said it could take up to 10 months. The fact it’s come through quickly means you can move on with your life sooner. You’re deffo over thinking this one but the medication seems like a step in the right direction! Beta blockers are for the physical symptoms, so it’s more to get you out of the cycle of healthy anxiety based on physical symptoms (e.g a lot of people thing that they have heart problems when it’s actually anxiety symptoms). I have never taken anti depressants but I think it would be worth checking with the doctor what this is specifically treating, they can also take some time to have an effect.