View Full Version : Dental Abscess. On antibiotics. Have to wait a month for an appointment. Worried!

05-10-23, 20:12
Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I posted here, but this whole situation is giving me terrible anxiety.

About 3 weeks ago, I went to have my teeth cleaned and noticed some sensitivity on one of my gums that occurred when I ate a hard piece of chicken. My dentist took some xrays and said my tooth was a little cracked (upper left molar, way in back), and I could come back to get it fixed and get it crowned (it's an old root canal). 4 days later, I developed a pimple like bump on my gums and went back in immediately.

Come to find out, the tooth NEXT to my cracked tooth has a failed root canal and created a fistula, draining over the cracked tooth and from my gum. I was immediately put on antibiotics then made an appointment with the endodontist who did it.

Now at the Endodontists a week later, come to find out, the cracked tooth needs to come out ASAP and is moving while stuff is getting stuck inside the crack. They took 3D x-rays and said the infection looks like it is clearing, however they can see the area that is problematic. They will not touch the failed root canal because the cracked tooth will complicate things, I am told- so that needs to come out first. They said I need to schedule the extraction, then within 2 weeks come back to fix the failed root canal.

Now for the anxiety part. I cannot be seen for a MONTH for the extraction! Then I need to plan the infected root canal retreat 2 weeks from that, putting me at a month and a half out with this infection (mid november).

I called every oral surgeon I could find within 2 hours of me. There is a wait even for emergencies and I guess everyone is just being put on antibiotics in the meantime. My primary dentist put me on another round of antibiotics in the mean time after I told them the situation, but it's also messing up my stomach (despite me being on probiotics too) and now I am PARANOID about getting something like C. diff. They said we will re-evaluate again in the middle of the month once I run out of the 2nd round. My mouth tastes disgusting from this infection and the fistula. I can taste it draining despite my constant brushing/ flossing/ water picking/ salt water gargling etc.

I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do. I'm on a bunch of cancellation lists and was told to just keep calling (which I have been doing), but I really want to get this thing OUT and get the root canal fixed to get rid of all this before it causes more health issues and/or spreads.

What are the odds of this infection spreading or me getting something secondary from the antibiotics? I know so many people who ended up getting sepsis and heart issues from dental abscesses that spread and are telling me to get it taken care of ASAP, but legit nobody will take me right now, and I am at a loss. Iv'e spent so many hours and days calling offices getting nowhere hoping to catch a cancellation. It doesn't help the people I know who dealt with dental abscesses spreading keep telling me how bad it can get quick, so they are CONSTANTLY reminding me of sepsis and signs of it spreading (jaw pain I have daily cause TMJ and i'm always dizzy/ nauseous with vertigo and digestive issues so IDK how i'd ever know if it was spreading honestly).

Has anyone also had to wait a month- month and a half to be seen with an infection? I'm trying not to think about it and work myself up, but it's been difficult to say the least. I really don't want to be on antibiotics for a month and a half and have to deal with this. I have shows I'm doing and booked for (i'm self employed) and so paranoid about the smell when talking with customers. It's so noticeable and smells like a decaying animal.

I'll take any advice I can get. Ways to help, minimize the taste/ smell, anything. I feel so defeated with all this going on.

Thank you!

05-10-23, 21:41
Yes, I've been in your situation several times - I've had several abscesses, cracked teeth, even fistulas which have lasted for months. I've been on antibiotics, I've had root canal treatment and I've had several extractions.
I've had to wait a long time for treatment whilst popping fistulas on a daily basis. The taste and smell issues are horrible, I completely empathise with you. However despite this I have not had any spread of infection or sepsis. I'm sure you'll be fine. I used Corsodyl or Peroxide mouthwash, which helped. You won't come to any harm by waiting a few weeks for treatment, and in the extremely unlikely event of the infection spreading, you would definitely be aware of it happening, so don't search for symptoms - you'll only get more anxious. It's horrible while you have it, I know, but it'll be sorted soon. Meanwhile, please try not to worry. Take it from someone who has been there several times - you're going to be okay. Big hugs. Xx

06-10-23, 15:41
I will also chime in, because I know how important it is for me to get replies by people, it really helps me a lot!

I do not want to scare you at all - but that is how I got C Diff 7 and half years ago. I see you are in the US, how is it possible that nobody can take you to pull it out? I can assure you that you will not get sepsis or something sinister from the tooth, but I would want to get off the antibiotics because of C Diff. Now, C Diff is more common for middle aged women, so if you are not that, your chances are better not to get it. As to probiotics, I would start taking FLORASTOR 2 times a day, because it has been scientifically proven to help prevent C Diff, and it is NOT destroyed by antibiotics, because it is friendly fungus that inhibits the growth of C Diff bacterium. If you need any more help or advice with C Diff, just let me know ( unfortunately, I have a Phd on it, LOL). Do not worry, just continue to press for someone to get you in and pull it out.

07-10-23, 02:29
Thank you! This whole situation has me feeling helpless. I never thought I would just want this thing ripped out so I could move on with my life. Everything is at a stand still until then, and it's just the waiting game.

The oral surgeons in my state apparently are booked solid- iv'e called every place as recommended by my dentist and the endo and even places I found on google from just searching. Iv'e spent days calling places, filling out forms and leaving messages only to be told everyone is booked until Nov-Dec. Even my grandparents have been calling trying to get me in somewhere even if it is some hours away, and nothing.

I'm almost 33, if that matters and I do have digestive issues to begin with which worries me. I just ordered that stuff you recommended. Iv'e also been drinking mushroom coffee which helps regulate me to some degree, but I just want this over, out and done.

How did you know that what you had was C Diff? Stuff always goes through me and i'm always cramping and feel blah. I really don't want to be on these for so long if I don't have to simply because when my gut gets messed up, it takes MONTHS for it to heal and become normal again, even with dieting and probiotic use. Usually I end up getting gastritis which is a whole other issue in itself. Ugh.

I'll take any advice I can get. Or what to look out for. I'm also wondering if I should ring my doctor and let them know the situation. I'd rather be proactive than possibly cause a secondary infection/ issue with my gut. I just don't really know what to do right now.

07-10-23, 13:35
I know you are panicking, but do not, please, being overly anxious can make your gut issues worse, as you know. Florastor is a very potent C DIff inhibitor, but antibiotics can be horrible, unfortunately I learned the worst way, and I am fearing them like Hell. Since C Diff , for the past 7 and half years, I have revolved my life around ways to avoid needing antibiotics ( of course , not everybody is like that, but I have suffered OCD and severe health anxiety to start with, so that explains it).

I was on Clyndamicin and Amoxicillin at the same f.ing time( talk about doctors who do not care), and about 2 weeks after the last dose it was simply obvious that something was wrong. What antibiotics are you on? Not all of them pose the same C Diff risk, but as I know, most of the them prescribed by dentists are broad spectrum, which is bad for C Diff risk.
I never heard about C Diff before that happened to me, but pain, cramping and multiple bathroom visits, the smell, everything about it was completely new and different for me so I knew something is not right. I went to my gastro doctor and he tested me immediately for C Diff after hearing about antibiotics. I can tell you so much more about C Diff, but let's leave that in case you do get it - which you probably will not, let's not jump the gun here. If I were you , my priority would be to google emergency dentists in your area , if at all possible. To be honest, I am shocked that , in the US, there is no dental surgeon to take you as soon as possible. I live in a big city, though, and it sounds you do not ( what state are you in)? But, there are emergency dentists for sure, I would keep on pressing. I would go to the first neighboring state, if nothing else, to have it pulled, but I do not know if that is possible for you.

Please PM me if you need anything more, or a piece of advice. I am here for you.

07-10-23, 22:01
I'm messaging you! Thank you so much for all your help and advice here.