View Full Version : Cancer fears again!!

always scared
07-10-23, 03:53
So scared again...
Being overweight/obese for most of my adult life increased my risk of uterine cancer I'm so stupid and scared!!! Should have tried to lose weighthttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t40/1/16/1f62d.pnghttps://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t40/1/16/1f62d.png I'm still having periods at 58. I have to wait until November 20th for a biopsy. So terrified of the results
Still spotting for 8 months and counting...

07-10-23, 23:22
Do not think like that, because the fact that you are overweight put you, like millions as others , into a somewhat risky position, but it DOES NOT mean you will ever get it. Illnesses are complicated, and so often people who are in no risk categories get them, and so many who are supposed to be in risk categories never ever get them. Why are you getting biopsy? Because something is suspected or because you asked for it? Are you still menstruating or are you menopausal already and spotting? Because, even if you are menopausal, spotting does not necessarily mean anything sinister. I have a friend who really bled after menopause, they had to take her uterus out, but guess what: it was not cancer! It was years ago, and she is still healthy and happy.

always scared
08-10-23, 03:14
Thanks Lana for your reply :hugs:

My doctor wants a biopsy because I'm spotting and just wants to check things out. I still get my periods which are very heavy and long. The longest I've gone without a period is 6 months. I was really hoping this year was going to be my year and I would reach menopause :weep: But no, nothing in my life can be that easy. Now am just spotting which absolutely terrifies me.:scared15:

I've always been so regular with my periods. But these last 2 years have been hell. Missing periods , flooding periods, massive clots and now spotting I just turned 58. This needs to stop! I'm just so scared that its cancer.

08-10-23, 05:56
But these last 2 years have been hell.

Did you get the Covid vaccine?

08-10-23, 13:23
My menopause seemed to have lasted forever, and it was heavy horrible periods, and then spotting forever. ( an million other things not vagina related, oh my God!) Now think of it, I had had a transvaginal ultrasound, because in situations like this they simply have a protocol, they are obliged to check things out. I am convinced with you too it is just menopause, and nothing else, and every woman thinks hers is the worst and the weirdest, but they are not, they are most often very typical and similar: abnormal bleeding, spotting forever, months of no periods, and then spotting again, and periods again.... Until it finally stops. You are fine, I promise.

08-10-23, 20:15
I bled heavily and spotted like crazy for most of my 50's, I ended up in emergency twice. Eventually, after failed attempts to reduce the bleeding I had a mirena coil fitted. This stopped the bleeding. In fact I still have it ten years later. I had a vaginal ultrasound. Everything was fine. It's very common to have horrendous bleeding, clots, flooding and spotting during menopause. I completely understand that you're worried, but I'm sure you don't need to be. I had a biopsy taken during my ultrasound and didn't feel a thing. It's very routine to do a biopsy, it does not mean that there is anything wrong. Many of us on here have had similar experiences, please try not to worry. What you are going through is a variation of a normal menopause. Big hugs.

always scared
08-10-23, 21:45
Did you get the Covid vaccine?

yes!! and boosters

08-10-23, 22:04
Did you get the Covid vaccine?

For crying out loud, don't start this nonsense!


09-10-23, 04:59
FMP, you're an amazing person and I'm about as pro-vaccine as you can get, however, it can absolutely screw with menstrual cycles a bit.

Not a reason not to get it, but it can definitely have an effect.

09-10-23, 05:55
My sister in law (age 30) never had a normal period after the Covid vaccines. She was hospitalized twice for excessive bleeding.