View Full Version : Weird jerk/dropping sensation feeling in head

09-10-23, 23:54
Hi everyone,

So I was sitting at the dining room table for dinner. I worked hard to cook and was feeling anxious because I haven’t eaten since earlier in the day. So I finally ate, after eating I felt this dropping sensation in my head, which makes me do a weird jerk sensation for a split second, as if when you’re about to fall asleep and have that dream where you’re about to fall and jerk awake. It then happened again two hours later.

I keep thinking about it and I’m feeling anxious. My nose is congested, and it feels like it happens on the right side.

Could this be a seizure?? It makes my heart race

10-10-23, 09:21
This is very common with high anxiety.
It's weird but harmless.
Often more prominent when very tired or stressed.