View Full Version : Why do I feel like this

12-10-23, 18:05
I got covid for the first time in January 2022. Wasn’t sick when I got it. A few months later I started suffering from stomach problems which then led to a whole lot of other symptoms and was diagnosed with long covid. I was bed bound for about 4 months it was horrible. From June I started to slowly recover being able to eat and do things again.

I caught covid again in September 2023 and again wasn’t sick. Even my pots symptoms eased up. Now since Monday I have started to loose my appetite and my stomach has been hurting again. Feeling out of it and lethargic and really bad DPDR. This is how my long covid started last time. I’m worried I’m dying or have convinced myself I have cancer instead and this is my body shutting down. I’ve had so many blood tests this year alone and they were fine, x rays and ultrasounds and stool tests. Why have I convinced myself I am dying. I hate this. I just want to be normal again and be able to eat.

Im Already under weight as it is and can’t loose anymore. I hate this so much.

12-10-23, 19:08
Reading you have POTS, therefore dysautonomia. Could it be that your dysautonomia is involved here? Nowadays everyone talks about longcovid, but in a way dysautonomia has been here way longer than long covid and many dysautonomia symptoms start after a virusinfection as well. (flu or whatever). I even believe that many long covid symptoms are dysautonomia related and they should start making a difference in all kinds of symptoms they now put under one number named long covid. I strongly feel there should be a differential in what they should call long covid and what is for instance simply more dysautonomia or other known post virus issues related.

but back to you.. about dysautonomia. Could your digestive issues not come from there. Vagus nerve is involved in a lot of our digestive ssystem

12-10-23, 20:02
I haven’t officially been diagnosed with pots but being treated as if I am. I have all the classics symptoms and it is common in young woman after covid infection. Yes I do think it’s a form of dysautonomia. Drs are just ignorant to it because they don’t know how to treat it or much about it.

I got a microbiome test done in May where it showed my gut microbiome was so out of whack especially my probiotics. So I’ve been really trying to help my gut by getting good probiotics and eating good food etc which helped and I got my appetite back. Now I feel after my 2nd infection maybe it has completely wiped out all my hard work. Honestly long covid is horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

I’ve just let my health anxiety take over and convinced myself I’m dying of cancer or something more sinister :-(