View Full Version : Lump on hard palate

14-10-23, 05:03
I found a lump slightly to the left on my my hard palate near the soft palate, its been there for a week, it cant be seen by normal eyesight but i can feel it with my tongue and touch it with my finger
its painless. Im 16 and having flu symptoms, I've been smoking (vaping, cigarettes) since 15 years old. I smoke 1-2 packs per week in the summer and 1-2 packs per month in the school year. I'm afraid that its oral cancer, can someone give me some advice on the lump.

14-10-23, 13:35
The best thing to do would be to see a dentist.

I had a lump on the roof of my mouth that turned out to be a wart and it was removed.

It may just go on its own so you could just watch and see what happens.

19-10-23, 10:39
I developed a lump on the roof of my mouth during the pandemic, so I couldn't see a dentist or doctor about it, and I was beside myself with anxiety. It turned out to be a harmless mucocele. It is now much smaller, but it's not away completely. However it has since been seen by my dentist at every appointment, and is of no concern.
Having said that, please try to stop smoking and vaping. It's not going to help your health anxiety. Take care. Xx