View Full Version : Extreme fatigue

16-10-23, 16:01
I started working at a new job three weeks ago, from home so it's not so exhausting and I had a lot of energy, I was barely sleeping because I am not accustomed to go to sleep early and I work morning shifts and everything was fine until this weekend. I also had some private problems so I can't pinpoint what is causing me a problem.

On Saturday I woke up and I felt like my head is so itchy and I've had bumps on my skin like it's cold but it wasn't. I've had that problem sometimes with feeling of fatigue but that was a long time ago.
Since then I've been feeling so exhausted. I have weak legs and I feel tired all the time and I am not sick, I mean I don't have a cold.
Is it really possible that it's just stress?
I've been taking a lot of coffee because I wasn't sleeping much, for these three weeks.

I am scared that I am dying and this time I don't know from what, my HA can't pinpoint what could be the reason. I just feel so tired. I have Hashimoto but I was fine until this Saturday.

16-10-23, 16:32
It's possible you could just be sick without any of the usual cold symptoms. Stress can definitely make you exhausted though especially if you haven't been sleeping well. If it carries on and you are concerned then might me worth getting it checked, they might do some blood tests.

16-10-23, 16:40
I slept all the weekend so it's strange that I am still tired. I am so scared to do the blood test and I am scared that I will end up in a hospital.

16-10-23, 16:48
could it maybe be you slept too much? Sounds odd but a sleep hangover is an actual thing. If you did end up in the hospital it would only be to help you, I know they are horrible but that's what they are there for.

16-10-23, 23:02
I was feeling fine tonight and then another wave of fatigue came and now mild nausea too. I don't know what's happening. Is it possible that's covid again? I've had it last month, at least I think so. But I don't have any other symptoms now.

17-10-23, 03:18
if you had covid last month maybe it's still an after effect of that ? After I had it I'd still get waves of fatigue 6-8 weeks later. Would be fine for a while and then have that "hit by a truck" feeling intermittently. My husband was the same. We would often feel great for a few days and then just crash with fatigue if we pushed ourselves too much. Would make sense with the adjustment of a new job, other stresses, less sleep and relying on caffeine that your post viral body has just hit a wall.