View Full Version : Confused regarding yearly smear test?

16-10-23, 17:18
So I had my smear test last November which gave the result of HPV positive and borderline abnormal cells. I was then sent to a colposcopy in Jan which they did a biopsy and concluded it was now CIN1. I was told to follow up with yearly smears.

I got a letter from the NHS invite service at the beginning of October telling me to I’m due for a smear test but today I went to the GP and the nurse said it was too early. On the letter from the hospital to the GP themselves it states to get it in 12 months, but now I’m confused whether it means 12 months from the last smear or 12 months from the colposcopy?
I called the colposcopy unit who said it’s likely from the smear test date which would be in November again. But I wanna be sure so they don’t just throw away my specimen which means I’d have to wait and repeat it again. :unsure:

Can anyone who has experience with getting a yearly smear after a colposcopy maybe help advise me on whether it’s one year from the prior smear or a year from the colposcopy?? Thanks if you can help me!

07-01-24, 16:42
Hi. Did you ever get an answer on this?
I’m interested to know as my daughter is just starting with the HPV positive journey.

24-01-24, 16:25
Sorry, I just noticed this! Sadly I didn't get a response though, I was curious to know myself but am just trying to accept that the HPV having cleared must mean the CIN1 cleared. but what concerned me was on the letter they say "it can miss in some circumstances" so although I try not to think about it I'm also worrying that maybe they missed the HPV and therefore not testing the cells as a result means next time in 3 years it'll be advanced to a horrible stage :|

I really wish they would call you back in a year though and keep you on the yearly program just to make sure that the smear itself was accurate, 3 years is a long time for things to be left! But unfortunately they refuse to do it outside of that time if the result is satisfactory for them :(