View Full Version : Blood found, feeling concerned

17-10-23, 00:38
Wow HA never really leaves does it, I thought I was done but here I am, I found bright red blood after using the bathroom on my toilet paper and on my stool, it definitely made my heart skip a beat and beat 1000 miles an hour, (yay Anxiety) but I'm keeping my head above the water this time no matter how much my mind wants to dive down, I know it's most likely to be something like internal hemorrhoids or piles.

I know it's not likely to be CC mostly from what I've read at this point other signs would start to pop up and my weight is stable, also I saw my PCP on the 2nd and had a blood test as part of my exam, my PCP made no mention of anything looking off and my bloods came back fantastic, in fact we made a discovery of if I stay with my current life style my blood pressure should be in a very good spot to get off my blood pressure medicine which is awesome.
I'm going to see if I can make an appointment with my PCP for this week to get this checked out.
The monster in my mind immediately started screaming cancer so that's at the forefront of my mind
The concern and anxiety is there but I'm not going to jump to conclusions, it's more than likely benign.
But I know it needs to be discussed and the sooner the better

17-10-23, 00:44
I have been lucky enough to schedule an appointment for right away at 10 am tomorrow

17-10-23, 00:54
Here I am, a 35 year old man trying to better my life plan a month long trip to the UK next summer, then this, almost like someone is telling me I can't have happy things in my life

17-10-23, 16:14
What did the doctor day?
I had a similar issue, I had colonoscopy as they couldn't find a cause with a digital examination (although when the digital exam was done wasn't around the time I had bleeding as my doctor only works on phone appointments initially). Colonoscopy was fine, still no cause identified by doctors (I had blood tests as done as well but all fine). They said they would refer me to a dietician about possible IBS but that never happened.
Anyway to be graphic but I can't think of a polite way of saying it, I am fairly sure it was caused by alternating diarhea and constipation causing damage to my anus / the passage. I had almost no problems at all with blood while on mirtazapine as that sorted my bowel movements right out (sadly I am coming off it and changing to fluoxetine as mirtazapine hasn't really improved my anxiety or panic)

17-10-23, 17:01
I had this happen last year, only once. Bright blood soaked the toilet paper.
Bright red usually means from way down below, not upper. So it's usually a hemorrhoid or anal fissure.

For me, it was definitely an anal fissure because I had really bad constipation for weeks at the time, and that one time was just too much! I never had it again since.