View Full Version : Blood level anxiety

17-10-23, 11:31
After years of feeling a little better I’ve found myself massively anxious over health fears yet again. I was told I had fibromyalgia in august and I was already diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder years ago. I had bloods done in July and with the exception of my folate everything was normal.

On Sunday I was sent to a&e by 111 due to breathing issues and pain. They did a chest X-ray, normal, ecg, normal and obs were fine. I basically cannot get deep breaths for most of the time and it was hurting after a while. He noted my liver and kidney bloods were ok but my infection/inflation (couldn’t capture what he said) were slightly raised and they should be 4 or below and mine were 16. I was given pain relief and doxycycline but I have spent the last 2 days freaking out about the fact that level is raised given nothing was raised in July?! I am so worried