View Full Version : Trouble swallowing and very hard to eat

20-10-23, 15:18
I have been a wreck this passed month being in the hospital 7 times alone and I know most people will probably link what I'm dealing with to anxiety but it feels so much worse and has been gradually getting worse. Before all of this I've been dealing with all sorts of stomach problems and slight swallowing issues but I always managed to fight through it and I still had an appetite then. Now a days I have to force myself to eat and when I am it is getting stuck in my esophagus which causes panic because I feel like I'm gonna breathe in my food and I just don't know what to think of it all. My stomach always feels full and I struggle to even get 700 calories in a day, I have lost a lot of weight and just feel as if my body is shutting down. I would love to say anxiety is causing all of these problems but even if I take extra klonopin to help with my anxiety and I'm calm as can be nothing helps what so ever. Setting up a gastro appointment takes forever and my primary care is on vacation plus no idea what the ER department or urgent care would be able to do for this so I just feel doomed. Looking for help in anyway!

20-10-23, 16:35
Wouldn't they find something out in the hospital since you've been there 7 times in the past month? Klonopin doesn't do anything for my anxiety symptoms as well. I am calm, but all symptoms are present.

20-10-23, 16:47
Unfortunately Everytime I've gone there is for heart related stuff. I'd be panicking, shortness of breath and was getting PVCs which I haven't had since my catheter ablation on my heart back in FEB of 2022. That was from a history of 20000 PVCs a day and ventricular tachycardia. But ya the stomach things is usually a discomfort that I just deal with but it seems to be turning into something I can't ignore because of lack of eating and struggling swallowing food which just raises my anxiety higher.