View Full Version : So frustrated with constant nerve issues

21-10-23, 14:41
I’m at my wits end. I’ve been doing everything right lately. I had a scare with some blood work and used it to motivate me to get healthy. In the last 6 weeks or so I’ve lost 10 pounds, started regularly walking, and have been eating an almost universally nutritious diet. My anxiety disappeared. I’d been taking lorazepam almost daily for a few months and the last several weeks I’ve not taken it at all.

Then last week I started getting a buzzing in my left foot. I put it off to walking in bad shoes at work. It persisted and got worse and worse until it was literally constant. Then it started to recede but was still there when I’d walk. My doctor suspected sciatica, which I also assumed. But as the buzzing improved, other things began. That same foot is almost constantly tingly with a feeling like I’m stepping on something. My other leg is also getting some prickles and pins and needles. Then yesterday my tongue stared to feel prickly and almost like there was a hair in my mouth that I couldn’t get.

I’m also twitching EVERYWHERE. Twitching doesn’t typically worry me, but it’s gotten crazy lately.

I’m just feeling kind of defeated because everything was going so well and I don’t know where this stuff came from. The blood work I had in August showed very high vascular inflammation. At the time my doctor thought likely because I had Covid in May. But another cause is autoimmune disease. Finally, my weight/overall health could be contributing.

The plan was to try and change diet, etc. and repeat. So I’ll probably repeat next week since I’ve lost 10 pounds now and been healthy. But I’m getting a bit stressed that maybe it autoimmune. I’ve never been an MS worrier ever. But we do have a family history of autoimmune diseases. My mom’s side is full of thyroid disease (I’ve been tested many times for that) and my brother has type 1 diabetes.

I’m tired!!

21-10-23, 15:40
If it makes you feel better, I have most of your symptoms. Foot buzzing, just right one, twitching that is probably crazier than ehat anyone else has as it's 24/7 in a lot of muscles, plus other things.

If anxiety is causing my symptoms it might as well be causing yours. If I find that I have something more serious I will post on this forum :).

21-10-23, 15:59
Thanks for the reply, Hypo! I’m trying to assume that the foot thing was from shoes/walking and that sparked my hyper vigilance and so I’m noticing other things. I know that’s certainly possible. I also wore a mask in class on Monday and Wednesday and had to wear the crappy ones the school has because I forgot mine. And they are scratchy and always irritate my face. So maybe that is also contributing to the face/mouth stuff. Plus I have TMJ. Maybe I’ll take an allergy pill to see if that helps. I took an Advil and lorazepam, which I usually take for migraines caused by TMJ to see if that helps with the tongue stuff.

But, as you know, this stuff is just exhausting!

22-10-23, 14:04
I have had the same thing in my right foot for 3 months now. This weird buzzing feeling mostly when I put pressure on it or if I clench my toes up. It appeared when I was anxious about damage from having a cold but also this was after I did some weird back movements so was also wondering if it was something like sciatica.

22-10-23, 14:11
I've had the twitching and vibrating when I've challenged anxiety.
It used to bother me but I understand it more now.
It's also quite common to have anxiety symptoms even though you are making progress.

03-01-24, 17:07
Hi there, I'm having similar with my left foot and even my outer thigh on same side. I constantly feel like there is something in my shoe and also have the buzzing. Did yours resolve?

07-01-24, 04:00
I'm having this now - weird buzzing in right foot, tingling in one toe, I keep thinking ive stepped on paper or something as that's what it feels like ... weird crawling sensation in fingers!
So frustrating.....

11-06-24, 06:09
Hi im.having this now buzzing under left foot did it resolve?