View Full Version : One thing I do not understand

25-10-23, 15:21
Often I see there are posts, very polite and, so to say, legitimate, that nobody bothers to reply to, or they get 1, 2 3 replies, at best. And then all of a sudden there would be a post which gathers over 100 replies withing few days. I have an average intelligence, I dare to say, and I do not see, most of the time, that one post is better or more interesting or more relevant then the other, but one gets many responses, the other often none. It is puzzling to me, truly. And often the person who posted the post with many replies, keeps on responding herself or himself, to one post almost hijacks the Forum. Any thoughts on this?

25-10-23, 19:10
I have an ongoing thread Lana that's been going on for years. I do get a lot responses and support and I am very grateful for that. But also, my posters sometimes need help themselves and instead of starting a new thread they come on mine because we know each others history.
Saying that there has been times when it has just been me posting. In other words it has grown.
I will reply to a post, mine or someone else's if I think I can be of use to that person. There's no point in replying if it's not something I can help with. That would apply to most members.
I'm also presuming you were referring to me and there are no rules about how many times you can post and I post if I feel the need for support like anyone else and sometimes I post with something that might help someone else.
I don't really understand the term you used 'hijacking', I see it more as being around. Especially as so many longterm members have left and posting is very quiet these days.
I see you have been with the forum for around the same time as me. But maybe you choose to only come on occasionally or as you need to. Maybe you read more than you post. We are all different.
There's not much more to say tbh, unless you have something more to express?

25-10-23, 19:29
I know I personally like to filter by unanswered threads in the last week, and if there is something that can be said I will try to post. But there are certainly a fair amount of things I don't have experience with so can't really be of much help.

I think it's easier when it's clear that it is an anxiety problem, because providing support is (typically) doable. It's more challenging if it is something in one of the HA forums.

26-10-23, 13:46
Carnation - I absolutely am not referring to you, I do not see why you would think so. I actually am not referring to any of the people who are pretty much regular on the Forum. I am sorry you felt that way, but I did not think of you at all. This was more a general question, and actually sometimes new members who come for the first time get a lot of responses, while people who have been on the Forum long often get no responses. Again, it was more like a general question, something I noticed, that is all.

26-10-23, 14:24
I hear what you're saying, but I think you partly answered your own question.
They keep replying to their own threads.

I often notice when I reply to someone's thread with some personal experience or reassurance, they then no longer respond. So that's the end of that thread.
Others keep responding to their own thread even though no one else does, until someone eventually does and that just keeps the thread going forever.
Some people just need some reassurance and can move on, others I feel sometimes treat this forum like a personal therapy session.
And then other threads just turn into chats that other people join, and just become more conversations.

26-10-23, 14:50
Ok Lana. All good :yesyes: