View Full Version : Hit my head today, scared to go to sleep

26-10-23, 20:33
So I hit my head today on the steel kitchen range hood and it hurt but I wasn't dizzy or anything. That was around 2pm. I felt an ache now and that spot on my head is painful on touch. I haven't felt anything today until now.
I am scared that I won't wake up if I go to sleep. I haven't slept much last night so I really need to sleep.

26-10-23, 20:51
You're being ridiculous, go to sleep.

I've genuinely been hit on the back of the head by a full-sized glider and wasn't concussed, so a knock from a range hood won't have harmed you.

26-10-23, 21:40
If you are being sick etc then you need to see someone otherwise it is just a knock to the head and you will have a sore head but still wake up tomorrow.

27-10-23, 08:21
I woke up but my vision is a little bit blurred in the left eye, I don't know if that's connected because I hit the right part of my head. It's so frustrating. But I had that before, but it was on the right eye, I hate when my vision is messed up.

I feel anxious since I started working yesterday, I was on sick leave.

27-10-23, 09:20
The important issue is you woke up and that was your initial concern. I've banged my head loads of times. Sometimes leaving soreness which takes a little while to disappear. Our heads have super protection for obvious reasons. If you are still concerned then give your GP a call.

27-10-23, 10:29
Thank you. My head doesn't hurt so I guess I'll be fine.