View Full Version : Abdominal/kidney issues

27-10-23, 11:40
On the 11th October i went to the drs with pain in the kidney area, also did a wee dipstick at home which showed a few things. They sent me on my way with a weeks worth of Antibiotics.
The last few days the constant dull ache/pain is back both sides where my kidneys are. I went to walk in clinic today, she tested my urine and that was fine but will send it off to the lab just to make sure.
She examined my tummy and back and said kidneys are fine but tummy area is a bit tender.
She asked me about my stools, i said it's difficult with my anxiety as it's always flaring up. I got all upset, told the dr my mum had bowel cancer and died within 6 months of diagnosis.
The dr is confident i have nothing to worry about haha yeah right but for peace of mind for me because of my mum shes given me the FIT KIT to do.

Now why am i constantly feeling this dull ache both sides of my back? Is it because i keep thinking about it or am i/the dr missing something?

Thank you for taking the time to read ❤️

07-11-23, 09:57
I think it's always a worry with unexplained pain and we can't help but think of what our parents and family suffered from. But you are you and that doesn't mean you will follow suit. It's good you had stuff checked out, maybe see how it is, any improvement and you can always go back to your GP. Like you say IBS can cause discomfort as well.

31-12-23, 19:30
I've just come across your post and hope your better now. Did you get to the bottom of the cause? I too have had similar symptoms had blood & urine tests but all come back fine doctor said there's nothing wrong. I've had a dull ache for nearly six months now.