View Full Version : Jelly legs ?

27-10-23, 20:47
My anxiety/ panic has got so much worse recently . I really struggle when in a big queue with a lot of people . Yesterday I was going through security at airport and when I got through security after queuing for a while my legs went completely like jelly and I felt dizzy and thought I was going to pass out. My heart rate was 156bpm and my hands were shaking . I know I need to go back to my doctor for referral as I am avoiding going places for fear of anxiety attacks. Has anyone experienced this and would CBT help me . Thanks for reading

27-10-23, 21:35
I get jelly legs, weak legs and heavy legs when my anxiety is high. Cbt can be helpful, gradual exposure to your fearful places or situations, calming the mind with meditation /Apps, good sleep and diet and a balanced day. Therapy can work for some people if you need direction and support.

28-10-23, 06:10
Thank you for the reply . It’s really helpful