View Full Version : Black speck in urine?

29-10-23, 22:05
Last evening after peeing, I turned to flush and I saw that there was a black speck of sorts floating on a tissue paper. I put plastic glove and managed to fish a part of it out ( very small), and pressed on it - it stained the tissue paper a little bit, but I really could not say if this was reddish, or pink, or brownish, just could not tell. I got really scared. Since then I peed many times and looked very carefully, examining the bowl before and after, and peeing on tissue, but did not see anything anymore. I also have no pain or burning, the urine color is normal, light straw - the only thing is I have to pee often (almost like pressure and urgency) but it has been always like that, for years now, when I am anxious. I googled and there is literally this one (1) on case whole Internet of a man who peed those black specks and was diagnosed with bladder cancer, but he says his were dissolving in toilet water becoming blood red.
Black specks are not listed as a symptom of bladder cancer on any of the reputable medical sites. I am also a woman ( 4 times less chance of getting it), and I do not have any of those risks. But now I cannot stop being afraid, and dreading to go to the bathroom. Shall I wait for at least a week and if it happens again go to the doctor, or what? I cannot calm down, which is the worst, and it is a vicious circle because the more scared I am the more I have to go to pee. I found here on the forum literally only two people complaining of something similar, so it is not like people can share experience with me. I do not know what to do, it is very exhausting being this scared. Any thoughts are welcome, and thank you in advance.

30-10-23, 03:45
I’m sure it’s nothing but a black speck.
I always need to wee more when I’m anxious too, hopefully you will relax a bit in the next day and it will go back to normal.

30-10-23, 17:29
Scass, Thank you so much.

31-10-23, 12:48
The black speck was likely not even from your urine. It was probably a bit of dirt or something that fell into the toilet from your clothes or skin. This reminds me of a time a few months ago when I had this weird feeling in my thumb whenever I was using my phone. It felt like my right thumb was getting pins and needles every time I moved it back and forth to text or scroll. I wasn't horribly anxious but kept wondering if I'd somehow damaged the nerve in my finger from all the phone use over the years. It went on for days. It was also perplexing that I couldn't replicate it by moving my finger. It only happened when I touched my phone screen. Then, a few days later I was looking more closely at my phone and realized that there was a piece of hair sticking up from between the phone and the phone case (I'd just gotten a new case a few days earlier). It was perfectly positions where my thumb goes and it was at such an angle that it would poke my finger every time I moved it around on the screen. I have light hair so it was almost impossible to see. It was just a good reminded that the anxious mind always goes to something bad, when more often than not it's just a silly fluke!

31-10-23, 13:41
Erin, thank you so much. You are probably right, but now I have to pee too many times a day ( like 7 or 8). It is over 24 hours, including night. I think it has actually been like that for a couple of years, but now I am focused on that part of my body all the time. I know anxiety can cause overactive bladder, but I do not know how to forget about that. :wacko:

31-10-23, 14:25
I agree with the others Lana.
7-8 times over 24 hrs is nothing to worry about.
If you break it up into segments its about once every 3 hours. I would say that's pretty normal. And also it depends on how much you drink.

31-10-23, 16:35
Carnation, you are right. Also today, since I will be seeing a doctor to speak about this a little bit, I literally have no urgency whatsoever! It is incredible what the mind is capable of!

31-10-23, 18:48
There You Go. we do get ourselves worked up about stuff when most of the time there's no need too. we all do it. x

09-11-23, 19:13
Update for my urine situation: So last Friday my family doctor ordered Urine Analysis, all normal, nothing out of whack; she then felt my stomach everywhere, and said everything felt normal. She thought my recent frequent urination is due to hype-awareness and anxiety.
I did get little better, and if I am at work, I can go several hours without problem, but on and off, especially in the evening, after I pee, this weird pressure feeling just above my pelvic bone continues, almost like I have to pee again , immediately , which is baffling, because I do not understand how can bladder fill up that quickly? Sometimes I just have to and it is very little, sometimes normal amount of urine. BTW: never saw another black speck again, God knows what that was.

Now the problem is that, before I saw my GP last Friday, I also sent an email through the patient portal to my gynecologist, and yesterday, suddenly, I got a call from her nurse saying that they will do trans vaginal ultrasound in their clinic for me and then she will see me. I am now extra scared and nervous, although what was I to expect: I wrote to her and asked her if she thought that should be done? She was kind enough and offered to see me, but now I am dreading it. I am thinking to wait until Monday and decide then if I want to cancel it. I had one 3 years ago, all normal, and I had a normal pelvic exam by a gynecologist on October 4th ( different doctor, because at the time I could not get my gynecologist appointment). So, I am just asking for little encouragement , comforting words, so I can somehow go through this. It is exactly in a week, next Thursday , Nov 16. Thank you all who reads, and maybe answers, I really appreciate it.

09-11-23, 19:22
It sounds like they are just covering their bases - which is good! I am very confident they'll find nothing wrong, and hopefully this will put your mind completely at ease. I know it's easier said than done, but just try to keep your mind off of it until the day of. Maybe busy yourself with holiday prep?

09-11-23, 20:45
Poppy thank you very much. I am very nervous, because the frequency is back and forth all the time, and the moment I feel like I need to pee, I become so anxious and scared. This is driving me crazy. Like I peed an hour ago, and I feel like I have to again. and the fact is that I drank today less than my usual. I do not know what is going on, but of course, OC is on my mind. Oh dear God....

09-11-23, 21:14
It's definitely an anxiety thing. When we enter that fight/flight response, our bodies want to get rid of all unnecessary baggage, which is often bodily fluids to prepare for whatever comes next. And being hyperaware of it means that anytime you even think you feel the sensation that you need to go, your body will latch onto that and make you think you really do need to go.

I think your doctors being unconcerned but willing to run the diagnostics to ease your mind is a really good sign. Just try to hang in there, you'll be fine.

09-11-23, 22:04
Dear Poppy, Thank you so much, you are truly very helpful.

11-11-23, 22:02
A complete meltdown today, just crying, total desperation. I do not see what this can be but OC. Not drinking excessively but must go every 2 hours. Urination seems relentless. Did not sleep last night almost at all. I am just praying to somehow make it to Thursday, when my ultrasound is. Of course, at the same time, dreading the results.

24-11-23, 15:07
Had transvaginal ultrasound, which I was told was completely benign. They could not see my left ovary, but the doctor said that is actually extra reassurance because it excludes pathology, and it is not uncommon at my age ( 62). But, my urination frequency is back and forth: some days I am OK some days ( like yesterday for example) , it is very unpleasant, like I need to pee every hour. Also , in the meantime I have an intermittent pain that starts in my left buttock, down the leg. It mostly sounds and feels like Sciatica, according to everything I read on reputable medical sites.

I also read that bladder is actually easily seen on transvaginal ultrasound, but my ultrasound technician and doctor did not say anything about it. Should I presume if anything suspicious was seen, regardless that it is not female organ, I would have been told, and referred further? On patient portal the doctor's reports says: "The patient was reassured that her pelvic region looks normal, with no abnormal findings." Should I just try hard to calm down and drop this issue, or should I go to the Urologist? Please, just a word of comfort or piece of advice by someone who can think straight. I am really struggling to pass this issue, and definitely do not want to rock the boat unnecessarily. However, very anxious all the time, cannot sleep. Please help! Thank you so much!

24-11-23, 18:24
Update: Had transvaginal ultrasound, which I was told was completely benign. They could not see my left ovary, but the doctor said that is actually extra reassurance because it excludes pathology, and it is not uncommon at my age ( 62)......Should I just try hard to calm down and drop this issue, or should I go to the Urologist?....piece of advice by someone who can think straight.

Drop it and try to calm down :winks:


24-11-23, 18:34
Fishmanpa, I have to say: God bless your heart, and thank you!