View Full Version : a trival question but need help answering it

29-11-07, 15:34

I am going to Paris tomorrow with my boyfriend. I am really nervous already. I wanted to go to Oxford St to do some shopping for it, it will take me about 20 mins to get there. However i don't know whether i should or not because it might give me the confidence i need to go to paris tomorrow if it goes well but if it goes badly it could make me more anxious about Paris.

Any suggestions?

29-11-07, 16:18
Hello M

Go for it hun, just remember that you are fine and everything is ok. You will have fun, and you will be glade you went.

Don't think negative stay positive. Make a list of things you want to get and stay focussed on that.

29-11-07, 17:04
you go for it . Take your time and let your boyfriend help you. You'll have a great time

29-11-07, 17:07
Have a lovely time in Paris. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

29-11-07, 17:47
Sounds lovely - enjoy!

29-11-07, 19:56
Thanks everyone for you support. I went shopping. On the bus there I hated it and was basically panicking. However once on Oxford St i was really happy i had gone and managed to see the Christmas lights. I got into shopping and even managed to get the tube home. Thanks for all your encouragement.