View Full Version : Can anxiety cause nausea?

29-11-07, 16:24
Hi there everyone, I'm going through a really bad bout of anxiety which I'm managing pretty well I think, and it's a lot to do with the fact that my sister has just been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and I've been worrying about it which has triggered all sorts of other worry.
I've had all the usual symptoms, and on top of that derealization (when I get this it usually means that my anxiety is quite advanced) but I'm coping really well with it, and accepting it.
I just wanted to know, do you think it's possible to get nausea when you're anxious? Since this morning I feel sick every time I eat something.
It feels like I'm hungry and then when I eat I feel better, and then 5 minutes later I feel nauseous and hungry again.
Has anyone had that before?

Forgot to say, I keep belching as well (sorry for being disgusting)

29-11-07, 16:36
Hello Toffeeapple,

Yes hun it can cause your stomach to be upset. Try to eat small amounts and more often.Also drink lots of water that will help.

Is anybody got a bug in your family???

29-11-07, 18:35
hiya toffeeapple,

i tend to suffer really bad with nausea when i am really panicky and anxious. again its a catch twenty two situation most of us go through. the more we fret about it the worse it feels/gets.

i agree with believe, small amounts little and often generally helps.

all the best
pen xxx