View Full Version : Cold returned, freaking out that it could be something worse

06-11-23, 14:36
Hi Everyone! So about 3 weeks ago I caught a common cold. It was a typical common cold, sore throat, runny nose, slight fever, cough. It took about 10 days to end and only cough and post-nasal drip lasted longer but were finally wearing off. Unfortunately, yesterday, and the day before, we had sort of a quarell with my best friend about a silly thing, and she treated me silently for the remaining evening and half of the following day. It took an incredible toll on me, I got some panic attacks that she would like to cut me off due to some unknown-to-me cause. I had full spectrum stress fight or flight response. We managed to talk it through the next day but the rest of the day I felt pretty crappy, like someone pulled the power cord off me. We decided to go to the cinema, then grab a burger and before going to sleep, I felt that nasty tingling in my throat, then it got a bit worse... it's not like strep throat, just this burning/sore sensation, post-nasal drip worsened, today it's got red, i feel under the weather again and it freaks me out that after only 3 weeks I caught/relapsed again. Not sure if it's any virus or the burger which turned out to be extremely hot and I swallowed it. Unfortunately, I had read a lot of bad stuff regarding frequent colds some time ago, that it could be a sign of big C... I can't remember last time I caught a cold again in such short time span. It does not seem to require antibiotics and I'd rather not take them without a strong reason. Basically I'm very anxious and it's a struggle to get calm again. I think that extreme stress after this situation with my friend could cause temporary weakening of my immune system and then a lot of people in the cinema... But i don't know... I would be grateful for any support. Cheers.

Sorry for any language mistakes, English is not my native language