View Full Version : Is This a Brain Tumour?

07-11-23, 20:05
For the last 3 months I have been suffering from some lightheadedness. It's been generally mild but pretty constant. When it didn't go away after a week or so I contacted the doctor who said he thought it was anxiety, not surprising in the least, I've been getting a lot of physical symptoms that are just anxiety over the last few years.

Anyway, I started therapy at last to try and get things under control but so far it hasn't gone particularly well/made much difference. I had a blood test and they said they would get back to me if there was treatment needed, they didn't so I can only assume that it was all clear. For a week the lightheadedness either eased or I learnt to ignore it but in the last week or so it has come back with a nengeance. It is now accompanied by headaches that keep coming on, usually around or between the eyes, and today I slept for 12 hours and still feel tired.

I've got it into my head I have a brain tumour and I can't dissuade myself of it. I feel for certain there is something physically wrong with my brain and no one but me is taking it seriously. I tried contacting the doctors again today but they have failed to get back to me.

Am I being an anxious fool to believe there's anything wrong? Am I making the symptoms happen with anxiety or is there something actually wrong? I feel like I'm at the end of my tether here...

08-11-23, 09:02
Your post and thoughts probably fit a number of people who feel the same. Me included at one stage.
You know the thoughts... "there must be something seriously wrong", "this can't just be anxiety", "it should have gone by now".
You did the right thing by seeing a GP, now you have to work on the Anxiety. That headache in between the eyes is normally a stress headache.
There are a number of posts similar to yours on the forum, some are listed at the bottom of the page. It makes you feel less alone in your worry and feelings.

19-11-23, 22:02
I have definitely had lightheadedness and other “brain” symptoms as a direct consequence of my anxiety. Several times. You are hyper aware of every little thing because of your anxiety. The headaches are probably caused by the stress you are feeling. A close family member of mine does currently have a large brain tumor and she had zero symptoms prior to the seizure she had that resulted in her diagnosis. Not even a headache. Try and keep yourself busy and occupied for a few days and stay off google. My guess is your symptoms will also disappear.

Jimmy M
26-11-23, 12:13
Hi Elfking - many years ago before my anxiety disorder was diagnosed, I was 100% convinced that I had a brain tumor. I had headaches, awful anxiety, numbness down one side of my face, light headedness, disorientation, blurring in 1 eye, constant tiredness, depression, forgetfulness etc etc the list goes on and I couldn't focus on anything else other than the fact I thought I had a brain tumour and it was going to kill me.

So I can empathise with your concerns. I went to doctors and said point blank I think I have a brain tumour. After a conversation and the basic tests - bp / blood test etc they told me that I was in an anxiety state with some depression. DP & DR and it was at that point I started on anti-depressants. That was about 30 years ago and I have survived, albeit with numerous relapses with the anxiety and DP / DR etc and am in the thick of a relapse presently but I keep telling myself its just a phase that will pass soon.

To a certain extent you have to put your faith in what you are being told by medical professionals but it did take me a long time to accept what they were telling me given the symptoms I was having, but anxiety and stress can bring on a whole world of physical and mental symptoms and manifests itself in different ways in different people.

Hope you get through it anyway, I am sure its just a temporary phase.