View Full Version : my pulse seems too low

29-11-07, 18:32
Ive taken beta blockers and then tonight feel weak so took my pulse with a blood pressure meter , it says its "51" , so I keep taking it and it goes between 51 & 54 ..........this seems very low to me . should i be taking beta blockers ?

any help much appreciated.

29-11-07, 20:02
I would have a word with the your GP Mirry just for reassurance. My natural BPM is around 58 - 60 so when I went on beta's my heart-rate slowed to around 52.

It just makes you feel a little tired and heavy, I only take them now before meetings etc if I really need them, if I take them for a couple of days I can feel myself slowing right down.



29-11-07, 20:20
thanks ,will chat with the gp .


29-11-07, 21:12
Hey Mirry,

Don't worry. I think we are so used to being anxious with a racing heart, when we're relaxed and pulse is slower, then we panic. My resting rate last night (on BP machine) was 52. Mine is usually 72. I put that damn machine down and didn't think about it again.

I remember something that the doctor said to me once. If i was well enough to check my BP/Pulse, there's not much wrong with me.


29-11-07, 21:36
lol . thats true I suppose . Strange thing is , i went out and felt so dizzy with every step yet felt calm :shrug: .

thanks :hugs:

29-11-07, 22:08
Hi Mirry - I used to take 3 x 10mg Propanol a day, but I noticed I was always really faint in the afternoons.
It turns out I have naturally low blood pressure and combined with the beta blockers I was running out of steam in the afternoons - especially as your blood sugars tend to drop then too. My Doc said I would be ok to take them as and when I need them instead of 3 times per day so now I only take 1 if I am feeling particularly anxious.
Have a word with your GP just to check you are ok to take them if your blood pressure is low but I am pretty certain you will be just fine :hugs:

30-11-07, 01:51
Mine runs in the 40's sometimes and the cardiologist told me that was fine. As long as you are not passing out all the time etc, a low pulse rate is a good thing