View Full Version : Chemical exposure?

11-11-23, 14:35
I bought all these Christmas dishes yesterday (a picture, mugs, etc.) and I didnÂ’t read that it said hand wash only before running the dishwasher to clean them. The price tags covered it up! Now I am full blown panicking that I drank all of these chemicals and carcinogenic byproducts because it was in the dishwasher with heat. Literally debating throwing away every dish that was in there because I feel like all of my dishes are now infected with chemicalsÂ…. I donÂ’t know if this is rationale or if I am taking this to the extreme?

11-11-23, 20:35
You are really overthinking this one to be fair.

The dishwasher would have done the job and there is no way you can have been exposed to anything bad at all.