View Full Version : I have my annual physical this week! Very nervous

12-11-23, 16:22
Hello everyone,

I have my annual physical this week and I am quite nervous about it! I am 32 years old and I workout and exercise regularly! I drink wine moderately throughout the week! I don't get the best sleep tbh but I think that is more due to bad sleep hygiene!

Over the past week or so I have been obsessing over symptoms such as my fatigue and others. Sometimes when I go the restroom, I feel a brief pain in my stomach that goes away after I am done. My stool is normal! I have IBS as well as but it still worries me!

I am worried that I have some incurable disease that I have no symptom for and will be revealed this Friday!

Ugh I feel so worried! Wish I could stop ruminating over it!