View Full Version : Panic mode

13-11-23, 03:35
Ok so what's been going on so I went doctors with back pain. And he did bloods they came back and he wanted to see me witch I was ok then he said that one word cancer witch put me into such a panic a nearly fainted anyways I was sent for chest xray witch came back all clear was so relieved but my white blood cells were high witch he said shown infection somewhere so I was put on strong antibiotics so bloods took again yesterday and he said I'm gonna be going for a camera inside me to check for stomach cancer and or for anything else witch they can find witch again has put me into a massive panic yesterday I'm not sure if I ate something that dide t agree with me because I was sick lots of acid and my glands in my neck came out wich has me now thinking is it all connected is it the worst the fact I have to wait even longer for the camera and for results is just unbearable not been this anxious in years

13-11-23, 06:45
I went through this last year and ended up having test after test. In the end it was silent reflux and nothing serious. They ended up thinking that my platelets naturally run high which apparently happens with some people. The waiting for tests was awful and I just had to try and stick to my normal routine of self care. You could have eaten something that didn't agree with you, it could be anxiety, try not to focus on it too much, drink plenty of fluids and eat a little when you can.