View Full Version : If bloods come back normal can you stil ask for further tests?

21-11-23, 14:42
I have had some bloods and a bowel cancer screening test that have come back normal.

Even so, am I allowed to request further testing from a doctor(colonoscopy etc)
Or will they say no?
I am still struggling really badly with bowel cancer anxiety as my symptoms have not resolved like they used to when I would get ok screenings. And it had been three months of the same pain and constipation symptoms despite me trying to get rid of it and I keep seeing peoples post on other social media about how these tests came back clear for them but they all actually had bowel cancer.

21-11-23, 22:46
They will only refer you if there is a valid reason because of the cost.

You can keep going to the doctor's and/or calling 111 and getting an urgent appointment.

Only you know if something isn't right so do what you think is best for you.

25-11-23, 17:26
You are allowed to ask for more testing if you want; whether or not the doctor will agree to the testing is up to them. How old are you? The older you are the easier it is to get a colonoscopy. Doctors tend to dismiss symptoms at a younger age. There are plenty of reasons for intestinal symptoms, colon cancer ISN'T high on the list of possibilities. A colonoscopy can rule out colon cancer and it may or may not find out the reason for your problems. A good chance you will be told you have IBS.