View Full Version : Anxiety over people taking photos of my artwork

23-11-23, 09:58
I don’t know which sub forum to put this in so I decided to put it here.

I have severe anxiety and depression as well as paranoia and panic disorder and I have been attending an arts and crafts group for a while now. I am very good at art and design and I record my music and play the guitar and keyboards.

Anyway the other week, I completed a clay model that I have been working on for the past few weeks and a guy there liked my model so much that he wanted to take a photo of it. He asked for my permission but I started panicking and told him that I would rather he didn’t. He was fine with my reply and didn’t take a photo.

Just before the art session closed my support worker also showed admiration for my clay model and she wanted to take a photo too. I reacted the same way telling her I’d rather she didn’t but she told that the photo of the clay model would be anonymous as she would just tell ppl that the model was made by an anonymous person at the art group. Still I didn’t like the idea and I still refused her to take a photo.

In the end I felt bad refusing the guy and my support worker to take a photo but at the same time I don’t like people taking photos of my artwork. I have this paranoia and anxiety that they might claim the piece of artwork is there own which I find upsetting. Also I’m quite a private person.

Is my behaviour normal or do I have a problem?

23-11-23, 13:57
I don't think you have a problem Artmuzz. In fact the contrary, it sounds like you're a talented artist who's work is admired. I'm guessing you don't want too many people to become aware of your work, for fear of where it might lead. In terms of publicity, getting yourself a name and noticed.

The reason I'm guessing this is because I've written poetry that people tell me is good and demands a wider audience. But I'm quite happy for it to go unnoticed for the same reason as above. I feel I have let them and myself down, does that sound familiar? Being an anxiety sufferer and having a talent (not that I really do) is a double edged sword don't you find?

How about you put some photos of your clay model on here? There's the art and craft section, some of my poems are in there, just don't tell anyone :winks:

23-11-23, 15:14
Sounds to me like a fear of possible copyright infringement.

23-11-23, 15:18
Thanks for the reply. What concerns me is more about people taking photos without me getting credit and they could copy it or pretend the work is their creation. I’m also not a big fan of publicity but at least with that I get credit and get known to hopefully make a career out of it.

I was great at art and design at school and got highers but I haven't done much art since I started the arts and crafts group. I’ll see what I can do with uploaded some photos but I’ll need a copyright watermark on them.

23-11-23, 16:57
Ah ok, fair enough.