View Full Version : Sudden swollen finger no injury

23-11-23, 15:25
Last week I woke up and noticed my right hand was a bit swollen and my right pointer finger was sore and a bit red at the joint in the middle of my finger, not the knuckle. The hand swelling went away but my joint was sore and that one finger felt swollen. Well since Tuesday that finger has been very swollen and sausage like and hard to fully bend. No injuries, I don’t know why this is happening. There is some redness on the inside of my finger where it is sore. I am really worried. I’ve been dealing with red hot fingers on both hands for 2 years now with no answers from doctors. I’ve suffered from raynauds since my 20’s but this is heat and stress induced, not cold. Now this finger swelling is scaring me. I recently was diagnosed with adhd at 47 and started 5 mg of adderall a few weeks ago. I’m also dealing with daily migraines (life long sufferer but worse the past 2 weeks). Has anyone ever had one swollen finger without injury being the cause? Thanks