View Full Version : Swollen submandibular lymph node

23-11-23, 18:00
Hi all,

It’s been awhile for me, but I have returned. I’ve been really sick on and off for the last 3.5 weeks. It started with a rather high fever spike, and then a nasty sore throat etc. Then is sort of went away, and then this past Sunday, I woke up with chest discomfort, dizziness, a fever, etc. Also, I had a very runny nose, in addition to a hoarse cough. Now, I want to mention obviously I’m panicking about a swollen lymph node. I happen to notice it today, so I have no idea how long it’s been there for. I had hooked up with someone on October 30th, (no penetrative sex, just oral and kissing), so I’m scared it’s HIV, though I had him take an Oraquick test and it was negative, and I took an Oraquick test a few days ago and it was negative for me too.

And if it’s not HIV, I’m scared it’s leukemia or lymphoma. Yes I’ve been sick, but I can’t think of a single time I’ve had a swollen lymph node in my life and it scares the hell out of me. Can someone talk me down, or help me rationalize my concerns? I do have an appointment with my GP on Monday, so I’ll definitely be asking about it then, I just freak out that it’ll get bigger, or more will pop up. :(

Thank you so so much, I love you all!

16-12-23, 22:50
So it wasn’t HIV, I’ve been poked and prodded more times then I can count and the blood test came back negative, so there’s that. Now I want to say the lymph node has gone down, but I still don’t feel 100%, and it’s been over 6 weeks. I ended up going to the ER the day after I posted my original post, so I went on November 24th and they ran every test possible on me and I had Influenza type A and it was doing a number on my body. So I was good the day after I came back from the ER, and was fine for 2 weeks actually. But then I’ll start having these little “flare ups” where I’ll suddenly feel warm, but no fever. Or my thigh bones will ache, etc.

I’m scared that it’s something else now, because when I saw my blood work, my lymphocyte levels had plummeted, and that makes me think it could be leukemia or lymphoma still ��. I can’t say I’ve ever been that sick before, and it’s almost like it’s lingering/a long flu. Anyone else have something similar happen?

16-12-23, 22:56
Anyone else have something similar happen?

Yep. In mid September, I came down with a stomach virus of some sort. Some nasty symptoms from both ends and it lingered on for well over a month with good days and bad days. By early November I was back to my new normal self ;)


17-12-23, 16:06
Out of curiosity, and thank you for replying btw, I still have this feeling of being chilled. Like I mentioned before, it’s like I’m about to have a fever/might have one, but I’ve taken my temp and I don’t. Now I’m seeing this “long flu” story going around and I’m wondering is that what I’m suffering from? Because I don’t think this has happened to me ever in my life, at least not that I can remember. Should I be concerned, other than that I feel somewhat okay, better then I did when I went to the ER anyway.

17-12-23, 18:49
Have you heard that saying 'It takes a week to get a cold, a week to have a cold and a week to get rid of it'? The same thing applies to other viruses and the time frames aren't written in stone. You're taking steps forward and there may be a step back here and there but I believe you know you're heading in the right direction ;)


27-12-23, 19:41
Well now I feel like I’m back at square one. Like I feel like I’m more tired than normal. Plus my bones still have that achey feeling in my thighs, and sometimes my shoulders. I feel like my skin is hot but I take mt temperature and it’s normal, no fever. If I didn’t have this fatigue I could accept everything else. But now I’m worried this is something more serious, like whatever I have isn’t fully going away and it concerns me that my blood work is worse now then when I had it taken a month ago. Like if I went today, that the levels wouldn’t be the same but worse. I just don’t get why I was okay for two weeks after my ER visit, and now I have this fatigue onset.

04-02-24, 20:06
Ok- do you think that ANY normal person on the street would even know where their submandibular lymph nodes were located? The answer is no- this right here shows you that you have googled too much and this is all in your head. Lymph nodes get big when you get sick- that is their job! You can actually massage them and help them go down. You can also dry brush and even rebound when you are feeling a little better. If you are tired- rest. We underestimate the power of sleep when we are sick- or always really. My kids were sick all week and they slept all day for 3 days straight! Go outside, walk barefoot in the grass, get off your phone, and enjoy your life.