View Full Version : Scalp spot came back after treatment - how to trust skin doctor

28-11-23, 10:35
A few years ago I noticed I had a scaly area on my scalp. It was about the size of a half a baby pea and I couldn't see anything but I could feel it with my fingernail. Went to two skin docs and was told it was nothing to worry about, but I couldn't let it go so next time I saw one of them they froze it off. All was well, until it grew back a few months later. But it was now more like a line of hard, scaly line of skin now, maybe the size of half a small staple.

Back to the doc I went and was once again told not to worry. For the past 12 months I've had it looked at by both skin docs a few times. One of them took photos and showed it to me on the screen. He said burning if off again might result in hair loss so just leave it alone. I'm continually told not to worry, but I just can't help it. I've had almost 20 skin spots burned off my arms and chest over the years (I'm in my 50s, female and have long, fair hair) but none of them have ever come back. This is what really concerns me.

Background: my dad had 3 melanomas in his lifetime and my brother's best friend is currently dying from a scalp skin cancer that he left untreated for 20 years. I'm super paranoid about getting any skin spots checked and I'm at the age where they are popping up all the time due to sun damage in my childhood.

What would you do? I'm thinking of going back and asking what it is and why I shouldn't worry about it. Maybe that will stop the anxiety. I've never actually been told what it is. But of course I feel shame and stupid that I can't let it go and have the compulsion to go back.

02-12-23, 18:18
Of course you are worried, because you know of someone who is dying of scalp skin cancer. But that person isn't you-- because you went to the doctor. Actually multiple doctors. You did the right thing. The last thing you would ever do is ignore it for 20 years.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for dermatologists to determine if something is skin cancer or not? When you go to a dermatologist, they do a full body check, and it seems to take them like 5 seconds. For the whole body. It must be really easy for them to determine, on sight alone, what could possibly be cancer and what couldn't. So if a dermatologist tells you it's okay, you can trust that.