View Full Version : Hard lump inside...

28-11-23, 21:15
Hi friends. I was at my pelvic floor physical therapist today for a follow up. I was last there 6 months ago. During the internal exam she felt a hard lump about 1.5 inches up on the right vaginal wall. She said probably a cyst, but that it was not there the last time I saw her back in May and I should get it checked.

I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, but after my years and years saga with fibroids, emergency fibroid surgery, hysterectomy, etc... I have to much trauma around this area. I'm sure she's right that it's a cyst, but it's not at the opening like those Bartholin ones are, it's definitely up higher. It feels pretty hard and kind of rubbery. It can wiggle around a bit, but not a lot.

Has anyone ever had a cyst like this?

29-11-23, 14:35
Dear Erin, I did not have that, but it sounds like a cyst, especially since you have had some fibroids , and it seems like you are prone to that. Please let us know when is your appointment for that, and how it goes. I wish you all the best, and I believe it will be OK.

I have been having various urinary and pelvic issues, I am pretty nervous about it, so I totally understand you. But let's remind ourselves most of the time , for most women, it turns out to be nothing sinister.

29-11-23, 16:39
Thank you for the kind words, Lana! I saw the doctor this morning and he also believes very strongly that it's just a cyst and there is no need to do anything at this point. I have my annual in January, so that will be a good opportunity to check in on it.

It's mentally difficult because I've had so many issues in this area. My husband and I are JUST starting to try and rejuvenate our sex life after years of me being too anxious and just BLEH about anything sexual, so to then end up with something else was just so defeating. But, it's good to know it's probably nothing to be concerned with. He was also reassured because I've never had an abnormal PAP and I no longer have a cervix, haha. So, chances of anything nefarious are basically nil.