View Full Version : Linear shadowing on chest Xray

Sue W
29-11-23, 14:59
Hi, please could I get some reassurance as my HA is making me ill. 8 weeks ago I developed a little cough for 4 weeks, no issues then it got so bad I was coughing none stop and short of breath and coughing up mucous. Firstly I went to Drs they game me antibiotics, didn’t touch it. Then my husband took me to an and e as couldn’t breathe and felt so poorly. They did ECG, bloods and chest X-ray. I can’t really remember what to dr said but mentioned some inflammation and little crackle and gave me different antibiotics. When I called my dr, who id been seeing each week, who always insisted it was a viral infection she said chest X-ray was fine. I called a different Dr today and she actually read out that there was a linear shadowing, which could indicate inflammation and has given me more antibodies and ordered another X-ray in 6 weeks. I’m now stressing so much that is is C, can’t even say the word, that’s how bad my HA is. It’s the face that she said there was something on the lung that is stressing me. Surely the an and e Dr and this Dr wouldn’t just send me off with antibiotics if they thought it looked suspiciously would they and she wouldn’t leave me for 6 weeks would she. I’m so scared, I can’t eat or sleep. I must point out that after I had completed the 2nd lot of antibiotics i was able to breath normally and my coughing has dramatically reduced and I’m now out of bed, after 3 weeks in bed. But I’m still a bit wheezy I’m the chest and coughing which sounds like congestion and when I cough it up I’m not wheezy anymore. Sorry for the long post I’m just scared that is is C and am dreading going back for the next xray and it’s the waiting that is destroying me. 53 year old ex smoker for 16 years. Thank you for reading.

29-11-23, 16:50
I'm no expert, but I think you are correct that if they suspected anything serious they would have acted accordingly. Also, I would not think that something serious would improve the way you've improved. There are some rough respiratory viruses out there! I always cough for weeks after even a cold. So, i would listen to the doctors and your body. If you get worse again, pop back in to see someone, but if you're improving I'd just take it day by day.