View Full Version : "Stumped" doctor with lump in neck and scared about MRI now

03-12-23, 04:15
On Thanksgiving, I tilted my head fully back in shower to wash hair and my hands felt something in neck. Fairly large lump (I'd say grape at least though I can't feel all of it and what it's attached to), feels solid, painless. Don't think it's movable but that I'm simply moving whatever its attached to. From everything I've seen, painless, large, and hard like a rock is a deadly trio.

Can't feel it or anything when standing normal. I have to tilt my head back and then it moves toward the skin and I can feel it super easily. It's just to the right near the top of my spine. No pain. Not sure if it's attached to spine or tendons.

Went to the doctor and got the first appointment I could this week. Doctor says he used to work on necks quite often/did surgeries and he has no clue what it is. Never seen or felt something like it before apparently. Getting an mri with contrast this coming week.

Other symptoms: Probably unrelated but mentioning it all the same, but I've been dealing with hoarse voice and off and on phlegm for 6 months now, nothing has helped. Had throat scoped and looked fine and no antacid or flonase or anything have helped.

Also have had back pain off and on as well as leg weakness (most noticeable when walking down stairs or bending over on one leg) for 2 years now.

04-12-23, 14:31
Try not to worry about the doctor not knowing, it could be that they are just being safe to cover themselves. I had a lump in my neck, size of a golf ball, two doctors looked at it and said they could not say what it was and had to have an MRI.

I waited a week for the MRI and it was the longest week of my life. The MRI just confirmed it was a cyst. Nothing bad at all.

05-12-23, 00:58
Thanks for that, it helps me feel slightly better because mine is also probably closer to golf ball than grape like I first thought, now that I was able to feel it more. Definitely so scared since it's rock hard to touch and not painful but seems to possibly be affecting my back somehow since it's hurting more and different than usual, but yeah. Just scared.

05-12-23, 13:55
Yeah I understand how you feel, the waiting is horrible. Just remember it's your anxiety. When is the MRI?

05-12-23, 20:35
Usually I can tell myself it's just my anxiety because the symptoms could be a million things or aren't tangible, but the fact I can FEEL something that should not be there in my neck is the scary part. Even if it isn't cancer, it's something that shouldn't be there and that is just worrisome.

MRI is Thursday afternoon. So hoping either results before the doctor closes Thursday or at least Friday. But I don't remember how quickly my old MRI results came in, just that x ray results were super fast. Hoping I don't have to wait through the weekend or more.

Although I just read getting a call right away is bad, so maybe I don't want to get a call right away after all and just hope my phone doesn't ring afterward.

07-12-23, 00:58
Less than 24 hours until scan now and so so so so nervous and scared. I know it's something cuz it's a lump not supposed to be there confirmed by doctor. I just hope it's something we can ignore or easily fix. I know worrying does nothing and I can't change what it is now, but it's just so hard wondering what if my life drastically changes tomorrow.

07-12-23, 11:51
Sending you positive vibes! I wish I could say something to calm you down, but I know I'd be in the exact same position if this was me. Waiting for a scan is a scary time!
But a lump can be so many things, and the majority of the time it's not malignant. But I won't tell you to try not to worry, because I wouldn't be able to do that myself