View Full Version : Happy Birthday Pulisa (3rd December)

03-12-23, 10:54
Thinking of you Pulisa :hugs:

03-12-23, 11:39
Hope you read this, Pulisa, and you're doing okay.

03-12-23, 14:01
A very Happy Birthday from me too Pulisa. Hope you're ok, you are so missed :hugs:

Thank you for remembering Carnation :hugs:

And while we're at it, Blue :hugs:

03-12-23, 14:09
A very happy birthday from me too Pulisa. I hope you read this. We do think of you and look!….Fishman's handing hugs out, don’t miss out.

03-12-23, 14:38
Thank you all so much and I really must apologise for logging off...Things just got too much and I wasn't in a position to offer any meaningful help to anyone..nor did I feel "qualified" to be honest when I wasn't able to cope myself.

Thank you Carnation for remembering and for starting the thread. I'll sign off for now but will be back in the lead-up to Xmas...


03-12-23, 15:14
Pulisa!!!! :yahoo::bighug1::yesyes::D:hugs: And there you are!! Please don't worry about logging off. Sometimes we have to concentrate on ourselves, so do whatever you have to do ok? Everyone here understands. But just know that you're loved. Sorry I don't mean to get all soppy, but all the guys here will agree with me anyway.

03-12-23, 20:22
I agree with you fishman.
I'm so pleased you saw this pulisa.
I'm glad you know you are not forgotten. :hugs: xx

03-12-23, 22:08
Happy Birthday :birthday1: Hope things start looking up.

04-12-23, 07:00
Happy Birthday Pulisa
I Hope you had a lovely day and got spoiled
lots of love to you
celticlass xxx :bighug1::bighug1:

04-12-23, 15:53
Happy Birthday Pulisa!!!
You're so missed on this forum! Please take all the time off you need.

04-12-23, 19:08
So good to hear from you Pulisa! And happy Birthday for yesterday :hugs:

04-12-23, 19:11
Happy Birthday Pulisa! Been a very long time, but you were really supportive of me during a challenging time ... I hope you are well. I don't post anymore but sometimes lurk :hugs:

05-12-23, 05:56
Sorry I missed it. Much love Pulisa xx

05-12-23, 11:14
Happy birthday Pulisa. I log off for years lol. I hope you are well.

06-12-23, 23:26
I hope you had a very happy birthday, pulisa. You deserve it!


Don't worry about needing to take a break, I had to do the same due to family commitments, you have lots going on and we know your kids need you need. I hope they are doing well too :hugs: