View Full Version : Shortness of breath for about 3 weeks

05-12-23, 22:12
So, I am a bit confused and would like to know if anyone experienced this.

3 weeks ago I had to walk from point A to point B for a meeting. The distance took about an hour and I was exposed to some freezing harsh winds that gave me a temporary splittin headache and back pain. However, after a couple of hours inside, both were gone.

The following day, I started having shortness of breath, chest and back tightness, dizziness. While the dizziness has subsided, the other 2 are still the same 3 weeks in.

I've had 2 chest and back X rays to check my lungs (both came back clean). Had 2 EKGs to check the heart, both were good. All my blood tests came back solid except for cholesterol which was a bit over the limit. No D-Dimers for clots.

The shortness of breath is also way worse if I Iay on my back and a bit worse if laying on my side. My docs told me it was either bronchospasm, intercostal neuralgia, or eaophageal spasms. But I've been takin meds for all of these things for a week now and there's very little improvement (a wee bit better with the shortness).

I also do not have asthma.

Also did a spirometry which came back all good.

Anyone went through sth like this?