View Full Version : One of my worst fear symptoms happened tonight

10-12-23, 01:29
I’ve been ill for over a week with this awful cold that’s going around but starting to get better now apart from a blocked ear and slightly stuffy nose and I’m kinda proud of how well I’ve dealt with feeling spaced out, I struggle with dissociation due to PTSD and also a health anxiety sufferer so when I’m run down my symptoms can sometimes make me have flashbacks if there are other triggers.

But still I’ve sat through the anxiety and it’s been ok.

Anyways on and off I’ll get these head rushes when I stand up, had them for years, I had orthostatic hypotension when I was younger, but this is slightly different rather than dizzy it feels like my head is full, it’s hard to explain but anyways I used to panic about it but now I just accept it is what it is, and it doesn’t happen all that time.

But then tonight I stood up fast after lying down for an hour watching a movie and I got the head pressure feeling but much stronger and then I heard the whooshing of my pulse in my ears loudly, annoyingly I know exactly what that is from back in my googling days and am aware of some of the scary causes etc, it then happened again when I stood up a while later.

I’m currently not having a panic attack weirdly which I thought I would if something I was soo terrified of happened, but I am concerned a little. I rationally think because I have had this heavy cold and my right ear is ringing louder than ever with my usual tinnitus and I can’t hear out of it probably, and my left nostril is congested I’m hoping it’s connected to the congestion somehow that’s causing me to be able to hear blood flow more somehow, I don’t know. I could hear it whooshing in both ears due to the blood flow in my head but only for seconds and then it was gone.

So yeah one of my most feared old symptoms which never happened has finally happened years later, concerned but not in a total panic. God I hope it’s nothing.

12-12-23, 19:13
Well done for keeping a level head about it, it certainly sounds like you're managing your health anxiety better than you have in the past. I'm proud of you for that.

I have health anxiety too, so I know how easy it is to overthink symptoms and assume the worst.

I used to have something similar when I was younger. If I stood up too quickly, I'd go all dizzy and feel like I was going to collapse. If it ever happens now then I sit down as quick as I can to subside the feelings before they get a chance to get worse. If you're already prone to these symptoms and you've been ill recently, it doesn't surprise me that you had an intense case of headrush. Especially since you went from lying down to standing up quickly.

How have you been dealing with the cold? Have you had medicine or been to the doctor? What have your symptoms been and how are you doing today?