View Full Version : Vestibular migraine? Head pressure, Heavy eyes and nausea after

10-12-23, 15:55
Good afternoon,

Dread to be posting here again but my mind is going million miles ph!

So 3 weeks ago I suffered a migraine, one of those ones which aren't very painful but I had dizziness, nausea and couldn't handle bright lights. I put it down to Amitryptaline withdrawal considering I stopped taking them a few days prior only 10mg.
It did seem to clear up after a few days and I felt OK but just had a lingering headache. After about 5 days I started having this head pressure feeling with my eyes feeling very heavy and unable to focus properly and the feeling of like being on a cusp of a headache. It's really affecting my concentration like my eyes aren't in sync with my brain. It's the only way I can describe it. I've had nausea but nothing major!

Doctor is calling me on Tuesday but I'm starting to panic now that this is going on for too long and I can't seen to get my self 'right'.

I'm trying my best not to think of it being anyt hing sinister.

Have anyone else experience this ?? If so how long. I did go back on my amitriptyline in hoping this would resolve the problem but it hasn't. I do suffer with Ear problems since a young child and my symptoms do seem to match that of a vestibular migraine.

If anyone have had this or something similar?