View Full Version : Intermittent tingling in fingers/hands

10-12-23, 17:29
Around three week ago, i woke up in the night with pins and needles in my hand on two occasions. After visited Dr Google i decided to cut out all sugar and any kind of junk as i thought pins/needles equals diabetes. Since three week ago i have woken up again at night with pins/needles or fuzzy fingers. It might be my pinky and next finger in, or fingers tips on the other hands. There has been a few nights where i have not had any symptoms at all.

I contacted my GP on Thursday and he advised going for a full blood, thyroid and vitamin check. However he has sent my head in a bit of a spin as he basically said, it could be nothing and we never get to the route of it, or head, spine ect. Of course this then sent me into panic mode. I have my bloods tomorrow and GP appointment on Thursday, but wanted to know if any of these symptoms can be due to anxiety.

I have noticed over the last few weeks, that when i am lying in bed, my jaw and teeth are clenched shut really tight to the point it hurts, and occasionally i have woken with my hand/s clenched tightly into a ball. I recently started to exercise 5 nights a week which involves strength and weight training, and i cram a lot into my day/night. Never really sit down to relax.

Because i have such a rubbish nights sleeps on Friday, i decided to take a Calm last night, and i did not wake up throughout the night with any symptoms until i woke up this morning when my hand was tingly down the side to my pinky and next finger.

Does anyone have thoughts as to what is going on.