View Full Version : Microscopic blood in urine

11-12-23, 15:37
Hi so iv had this coming up to 3 years now with no other symptoms totally asymptomatic as they say. I had a bladder biopsy in March which was benign. Had a urinary tract ultrasound previously May 2021 all OK kidneys fine. In order to discharge me the urologist wanted to do another ultrasound and if all OK that's that. So had the ultrasound done last Wednesday and they don't normally tell you this was done at the hospital however because she knew how anxious I was and I told her if all normal that's it I'm being discharged she said to me she didn't see anything she was worried about. I don't know why but I'm worried maybe she said it to make me feel better even though I'm sure she couldn't do that would get in trouble. Everyone I know has said if I had kidney cancer or anything sinister was seen they would tell the doctor ASAP. Any words of advice please

11-12-23, 20:03
Hi Emma. If a doctor told you there is nothing to worry about but in reality there was, they would very likely endanger their career.

I've had dalliances with health anxiety myself, so I do understand. But there's nothing wrong with you.

11-12-23, 20:09
Hi it wasn't a Dr it was the person doing the ultrasound but she would be the one doing the report to the Dr. I know the liklihood of me having anything serious is small as like I say iv had ultrasound before back in May 2021 and kidneys were fine. Had bloods done to check kidney function that's come back normal and I have no symptoms at all just this blood that I don't see which was picked up incidentally nearly 3 years ago iv probably had it a lot longer just didn't know about it. I'm driving everyone mad especially as the person doing the ultrasound said she hadn't seen anything she was worried about they all telling me she wouldn't have said that if had any doubt