View Full Version : Been doing good for a while.. now terrified of lung cancer.p

11-12-23, 19:00
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here.. but I’ve been relatively mentally good, working out a ton, and I feel great… up until..

I’m a 33, turning 34 next month healthy female- In the past 4 months my dr has been watching my bloodwork for a slightly elevated d dimer .55 and ha crp (1.7) as my husband and I were planning on starting a family soon. I’m on a more naturopathic blood thinning protocol and just got retested. D dimer came down to .52 ( still elevated beyond normal of .5) but hs crp has risen to 6.7. In the past 4 months I’ve noticed some scapula pain on my right side- sometimes if I take a deep breath- kinda feels like a ball is there/ or it’s pulled- I constantly want to massage/ dig at it with a lacrosse ball. I will go for a few weeks where when I swallow food I feel slight pain in the back- almost as if I have a piece of gravel in the back, pain goes away when I sit up and pull shoulder blades back ( it’s worse when I hunch at a computer). Then it will go away and I’ll have no pain for weeks.Now let me say.. I workout a lot, train in aerial circus ( where I do hang from 1 arm a lot) my traps and rhomboids are tight all the time- I’m also a photographer. Finally, I have been dealing with chronic costochondritis for 10 years with injury to t6-t7… the only difference here is I now have pain when swallowing , and pain behind the scapula when I take a super deep breath ( again pain comes and goes). The sometimes back ache has me really worried- especially after reading about pancoast tumors and how the symptoms are scapula pain and how aggressive they can be- I had a chest x ray a year and a half Ago.,, I mean would it grow that fast?? I’m going insane since I saw the bloodwork and have to wait a week to see my dr ( bloodwork got sent to email) any comfort would help!

12-12-23, 09:38
Reading your post it's obvious to me you are super vigilant with your health and fitness.
And if you can exercise hanging from one arm I would say that was a pretty good indication that you are super fit.
The occasional numbness in the hands after sleeping is a very common sign that you have been laying awkwardly with your hand position, possibly scrunching it up or placing it under your pillow.
As for the other feelings in the chest and shoulder area, it could be indigestion, especial of you work out a lot and don't give yourself enough digestion time for eating. Even a shower or bath straight after eating can cause a disruption to digestion. That's my opinion though.

12-12-23, 15:35
Thank you carnation- yes I’m pretty fit and health conscious, my friends come to me for advice and recipies as my diet is very clean- that’s why the issues in my bloodwork worry me, mainly the hscrp as I’m now considered “high risk” for a cardiac event.. that’s why I’m worried. I decided I was stil going to work out yesterday- I went for a 45 minute run with my heart at 150 the whole time and was barely out of breath, I was even breathing through my nose..so…. There is no reason for it to be elevated unless 1. It’s a response to covid like my dr thinks. 2. It’s my costochondritis which is an inflammatory condition that flares from time to time ( although even in the thick of my flares that inflammation marker has never been that high). So I think with the onset of shoulder/ pain when I eat my brain is just in hyper vigilant mode thinking the worst.

Miu medical billing
13-12-23, 19:34
Elevated D-dimer and CRP levels could indicate inflammation. Scapula pain, difficulty swallowing, and hand numbness may have various causes, including muscle tension from your activities. While Pancoast tumors are rare, your symptoms require evaluation by a healthcare professional.

14-12-23, 01:27
So your basically saying I should be worried?