View Full Version : Weird symptoms - very worried

13-12-23, 23:06
Hey all. This is probably going to be a long one so apologies. Since the 27th of November I’ve been experiencing some new strange symptoms. It first started with pain in my shins and I thought maybe I had shin splits. But the next day I woke up and had a weird heaviness in my legs which then spread to my arms. This lasted for around 8 or 9 days. Also felt very shaky in arms, legs and hands, but mostly in my left hand. Also had chills on and off and some stomach pain. Tested myself for covid twice and both times negative. Dr said it sounded like I have a post viral syndrome. Checked reflexes, all normal. Had bloods taken over a month ago and urine tested - all came back perfect. He took my blood pressure and it was normal but dropped when I stood up. He said it was quite a significant drop but said that could be from stress or not drinking enough water.

Came good for a total of two days and thought I was back to normal but woke around midnight yesterday with the same heavy, weak feeling in my arms and legs. Felt a bit off balance and shaky walking to the bathroom. Went to meet a friend for breakfast in the morning and felt really dizzy sitting down, almost felt like I went blank and was going to faint. Felt dizzy all day on and off and my thigh muscles are very sore. Went to doctor again blood pressure was normal but dropped again when I stood up, but not by much this time. Woke this morning and my left hand and arm was very shaky again. Slight headache.

My main symptoms are:
- Heaviness on and off
- feeling of weakness on and off however can walk on toes, heels, get up from chair etc
- chills
- a few hot flashes
- problems with doing fine motor things like laces, buttons due to shakiness but can do them (worth noting I’ve had shaky hands since I was a teenager but the leg hand is progressively getting worse)
- Dizziness when sitting down
- abdominal ache
- head shakes slightly when drinking from a cup
- brain fog

All of this is causing me anxiety which is a vicious cycle because I know it would make my symptoms worse but it just came out of nowhere.

I’m 41 - don’t smoke or drink and am relatively fit, walk everyday.

Does anyone have any advice, thoughts, reassurance? It’s really starting to affect my day to day life.

Thank you

27-12-23, 23:51
Hey hope youre doing okay since posting this. I'm no expert on a lot of these symptoms but from my understanding a lot of these can be created or exacerbated by anxiety and paying too much close attention to bodily sensations. Especially with perceived dizziness/balance problems. I'm struggling with this and have in the past. I notice myself shifting side to side when walking or losing balance around a corner slightly or my room feeling a bit like its spinning while im laying down and the more I pay attention to it the worse it gets. I've found this article useful https://vestibular.org/blog/somatic-awareness/