View Full Version : Blood test results have scared me, just wanted a place to talk.

16-12-23, 23:35
Hi everyone.

I got my results back last week and have been trying not to think about any of it, but it has started to get to me. I got an "abnormal" test result for my vitamin D levels, I'm at 30 nmol/L which is apparently only one point away from being considered a severe deficiency. Doctor has prescribed me some vitamin D tablets. My kidney function tests came back with a slight reduction compared to my test back in August. My Egfr is at 83, with my pottasium being 1 point away from being over and my Creatinine only 2 points from being over. I also had a couple of other things slightly out of range. But meh, the whole thing has made me very anxious now and I can't stop thinking about it. I made an appointment with my Dr to go over all the results but I can't see them until the 4th of January. I don't want this ruining my Christmas or new year, so figured I'd find somewhere to talk about it all.

Sorry for the long rant and thank you to anyone who responds.

17-12-23, 08:24
It seems like nothing was out of place though except for your vitamin D, which pretty much everyone has. My GP in Ireland said we have to pay extra to test for that, because they assume everyone in Ireland is deficient anyway. I take supplements all winter.

Your other numbers are higher, but still within range. I get that can still be anxiety inducing, but really there’s nothing to worry about. None of your numbers are off

05-01-24, 21:43
I get the same way about bloodwork- but when I go back and review it over the years, I don't think I've ever had a "perfect score" (i.e. test results that where all within range). My Vitamin D was right where yours was the last time it was checked, which was years ago. My doctor didn't even mention it. I'm currently nervous about my kidney function because my creatinine is actually a little bit ABOVE range which has never happened before. My doctor wasn't alarmed, said we'd recheck it, and said it could be due to not drinking enough water, one of my medications, or a thousand different things. Have I been googling incessantly while I wait? Yes. Am I trying to stop? Also yes, lol. But basically, if you are "in range" I think your doctor will give you a great big thumbs up. Even if you're one or 2 points off it's usually meaningless (in my experience). I hope this helps!

22-01-24, 19:47
My eGFR is always floating from 70 to 90. The highest mine was when I was young was never over 94. When I was young it would fluctuate wildly, from 90s down into the 70s. I never knew it then, because they just told me I was good, so I took them at their word. Glad I did. Of late it has been about 85 for the last two years. My other kidney numbers are good, and I have had urine tests that came back perfectly (dips and 24 hour).

I made the mistake of googling my GFR numbers once, I stay clear now and let my GP decide when I should worry about it. My heart surgeon said that he wished his GFR was 85 lol.

Meanwhile, my 83 year old mom has a eGFR of 102. I told her I am jealous. ;)