View Full Version : Very strange symptoms

18-12-23, 12:56
I've been having these symptoms since 2017, it happened when I had the most stressful job in my life and then it subsided and came back in 2019 after my grandma was dying from dementia, it was awful and those symptoms came back and subsided again and I've been having them for two months now again. I will try to describe it.
It starts with horrible scalp itchiness and then I feel chills, I have skin bumps all over my legs and arms and horrible fatique. The only thing that helps is sleep. Some days are worse than other, some days I don't have it but it started to become more and more frequent.
It's always those three symptoms together. I wouldn't mind it if there wasn't fatique, that's the most horrible symptom, like all life is drained from me. Also, it's like I feel hot and cold at the same time.

I really don't know why this keeps happening to me. I've had stressful times but I didn't have those symptoms. And sometimes I have them. What it could be? Google doesn't help, because I can't find anyone who has those three symptoms together.

18-12-23, 17:36
It sounds like a nervous reaction to me.
If you are concerned mention it to your GP.

18-12-23, 20:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


22-12-23, 14:18
It sounds like a nervous reaction to me.
If you are concerned mention it to your GP.

I know it's from stress but nothing helps anymore. I am miserable, scratching my head all the time and feeling like a sh..
This isn't life.

12-06-24, 18:08
This stopped on 2nd of January and now it's back. The most horrible feeling is fatique and I can only hope that this is benign because it's been happening on and off for years but who knows... Maybe this time I will drop dead.

I have pmdd and whenever I experience strong emotions or I am under stress, this happens again. I can't clean, I can't cook, I can only lie in bed waiting for my nervous system to calm down and wondering how much time it will need this time. I must work and I don't know how...