View Full Version : How can I handle this constant breast worry?!?

20-12-23, 11:41
I'm 31 and it's just out of control. In the last year I've had 4 ultrasounds. Two of them were both sides the other two were left/right only.
I just got an ultrasound on my right breast after finding yet ANOTHER lump. My breasts are naturally lumpy and everytime I touch them I find something.
The ultrasound came back normal and after 2 days of relief the fear started creeping up again. I have now found a lump in my left breast. I've had three ultrasounds on my left breast in the last year. The most recent one was the beginning of August.
Should I get another scan?
I'm so exhausted going to the doctors and going through the process of an ultrasound and the agonising wait for results. What can I do to control this? I'm in therapy and on meds but still can't get a handle on my health anxiety.

20-12-23, 15:26
Hi, no-one can say don't get another scan.
If you feel it is needed or your GP thinks you should, then there's your answer.
Also remember there is muscle and gristle in the breasts when you are feeling about.

27-12-23, 15:06
I know how you feel because I was the same way. My breasts are extremely lumpy and I would feel lumps constantly. I made it a point not to touch them and let my doctor do an exam once every six months. I'm also old enough where I also get screening mammograms once per year. Are your ultrasounds targeted to one area of the breast or the entire breast? If they are targeted, can you request a complete ultrasound of both? This may help alleviate your worry longer than a few days. This would certainly pick up something suspicious. Try to remember too that you are very young and the chance of breast cancer at your age is very unlikely!