View Full Version : Scared, I’m sure I have VT, please read feel helpless

21-12-23, 19:13
Hello, very quick back story. In Feb 2021
I had Cjab & ended up with bad vertigo/imbalance episodes. Elevator dropping sensation bad. Ears ruled out.
In may this year I caught covid for the first time, it was rough but I recovered after 11 days and thought I’d got back to baseline. However start of July started to get bad new palpitations & raving heart . Already had pots and it was controlled well ivabradine and daily walks . Anyway ended up in A&e with new arrhythmia Ventricular Bigeminy (never had a ventricular arrhythmia before covid ever) along with chest pains. Episodes have been intermittent all year. Every time I try to exert myself even slightly like clean kitchen etc I set myself back. However last 2 weeks it’s gotten so bad and something new happened. I was on the phone and out of nowhere I felt my heart suddenly speed up fast & it felt squidgy, fluttery really uncomfortable &
Horrible and I had an intense overwhelming dizziness at the same time then it just stopped. This was a week ago. I am just sure I had an episode of VT and it lasted about 15 seconds it was so so scary & im having such a hard time now. It’s been so hard anyway without that happening and it’s worried me so much. All
Week my head symptoms have intensified and I keep feeling flutters in my chest I’m scared to move or do anything cause it just sets it off. I seen a cardiologist earlier on in the year who did a 24h ecg that picked nothing up and now he’s not interested in seeing me before April. I’m desperate & scared. I had a normal ct scan in A&e and normal echo earlier on in the year but it is just getting worse & worse & I feel terrible. I’ve asked for a second opinion off a different cardiologist but waiting lists are long. This week getting strong adrenaline surges throughout the day. I’m suffering so much & my life is so miserable & hard because of it. I’ve had a lot of arrhythmias over the years, all atrial in nature until the ventricular bigeminy but that the other day was nothing I’ve ever felt before & it made me feel so poorly when it happened. I just don’t feel good & I can’t shake this worry now. Anyone have VT and know if it sounds the same?
Covid has ruined my life 😞

08-02-24, 14:40
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time. Anybody in your situation would feel just as bad. You're doing really well keeping on and sharing your thoughts here.

How have you been the past month? Any changes, any word from doctors? How are you?

11-02-24, 14:04
Hello, very quick back story. In Feb 2021
I had Cjab & ended up with bad vertigo/imbalance episodes. Elevator dropping sensation bad. Ears ruled out.
In may this year I caught covid for the first time, it was rough but I recovered after 11 days and thought I’d got back to baseline. However start of July started to get bad new palpitations & raving heart . Already had pots and it was controlled well ivabradine and daily walks . Anyway ended up in A&e with new arrhythmia Ventricular Bigeminy (never had a ventricular arrhythmia before covid ever) along with chest pains. Episodes have been intermittent all year. Every time I try to exert myself even slightly like clean kitchen etc I set myself back. However last 2 weeks it’s gotten so bad and something new happened. I was on the phone and out of nowhere I felt my heart suddenly speed up fast & it felt squidgy, fluttery really uncomfortable &
Horrible and I had an intense overwhelming dizziness at the same time then it just stopped. This was a week ago. I am just sure I had an episode of VT and it lasted about 15 seconds it was so so scary & im having such a hard time now. It’s been so hard anyway without that happening and it’s worried me so much. All
Week my head symptoms have intensified and I keep feeling flutters in my chest I’m scared to move or do anything cause it just sets it off. I seen a cardiologist earlier on in the year who did a 24h ecg that picked nothing up and now he’s not interested in seeing me before April. I’m desperate & scared. I had a normal ct scan in A&e and normal echo earlier on in the year but it is just getting worse & worse & I feel terrible. I’ve asked for a second opinion off a different cardiologist but waiting lists are long. This week getting strong adrenaline surges throughout the day. I’m suffering so much & my life is so miserable & hard because of it. I’ve had a lot of arrhythmias over the years, all atrial in nature until the ventricular bigeminy but that the other day was nothing I’ve ever felt before & it made me feel so poorly when it happened. I just don’t feel good & I can’t shake this worry now. Anyone have VT and know if it sounds the same?
Covid has ruined my life 😞


I have had strange heart rhythms for as long as I can remember. I’m 39 years old and very fit and active but plagued by these heart rhythms. I have seen 3 cardiologists and had every test under the sun. Prognosis…..structurally normal heart with occurrences of PVC,s (harmless). They are very uncomfortable and fuel my anxiety. Recently I also had a strange run of fast heartbeats and thought exactly the same as you. It’s VT!

However VT lasts more than 30 seconds. But even it was VT, in a structurally normal heart it’s not dangerous.

Our minds expect the worst outcome which creates anxiety. Anxiety is then one of the most common triggers for arrhythmias.

I feel your fear. Sending you positive thoughts.

Watch this video: York Cardiology is very reassuring.


14-02-24, 17:58
I get episodes of VT from time to time. It’s actually NSVT as any episode under 30 seconds is non sustained ventricular tachycardia. I also deal with a couple other arrhythmias and have for a very long time and so the very first time I had an episode of NSVT I knew it wasn’t any of my normal quirks. I have had many tests and all showed my heart to be structurally normal. I have a strong history of sudden death on my father’s side and so my doctors have done their due diligence, I even have had genetic testing. I see an EP and I am on my second loop recorder.
I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry yourself sick. Definitely get an appointment with your cardiologist but don’t worry, it may not even be VT and even it is they say NSVT in a structurally normal heart is mostly benign. Anyways, I hope you take comfort in knowing your not alone.