View Full Version : A little angry at my old doctor

22-12-23, 14:32
Feeling a little annoyed today, a while ago I had requested a blood test because I just wasn’t feeling right, I had enveloped raynauds, and muscle weakness and yes I was scared about autoimmune which was an anxiety type worry but I knew I didn’t feel right, I was sometimes falling asleep during the day really easy and a faster heart rate.

That doctor told me no to a blood test, she said I probably eat a good diet so I wouldn’t be deficient in anything and blood test would just make me more anxious. I did feel a bit defeated as I felt not listened to. And I’m not a serial doctor visitor, they do know I have anxiety disorder though.

I ended up changing doctors as I just felt they didn’t care and always say everything is anxiety. At my new doctors, they listened to everything I said and actually told me there was small chance I had autoimmune but more likely I was deficient in something. So they did a full blood test and no I’m not autoimmune but I am very low on iron and my doctor thinks my symptoms have been caused by this.

I know I need to just be glad I know now. But I hate feeling gaslit by GP’s who’d rather just pin everything on anxiety and make you feel like you’re making up your symptoms. Again I could understand if I was constantly at the doctors with vague symptoms that always amounted to nothing but I’m not and haven’t been. I usually avoid doctors as it makes me more anxious.

Just needed to get that off my chest. I started my iron today, swallowed my first tablet in like 8 years and was anxious about it but I know it’s going to do me good. So there are some positives and I’ve got a super nice new GP who does listen to me.

29-12-23, 15:01
I'm sorry that happened! It's really had to be someone with anxiety who also needs medical care because so much is just put off to anxiety (especially for women I'd say). I'm so lucky to have found a doctor who really listens to me and takes everything seriously despite also being fully aware of the details of my anxiety. She never puts anything off to anxiety and always conducts any test she'd do on any other person without anxiety. But, it took many years to find someone so good! I'm in the US and she recently switched to a concierge practice (meaning you have to pay an annual fee to be a patient PLUS the cost of regular care - though most of that's covered by insurance), but it's worth every penny!

I'm so glad you found someone good!