View Full Version : Bloody snot

27-12-23, 17:10
So about a week ago I was picking my nose to clean after blowing (don't judge, it wouldn't budge) and noticed it was dried blood. Then with tissue noticed a bleeding spot on side of nose. This has been on a loop since last week with hard crusty dried bogey blood, me blowing or picking it to clear, then it bleeding again. Doesn't come out my nose (atm) but I'm scared it is something sinister.

28-12-23, 18:03
But what sinister thing do you think it could be? My anxiety does similar things to me when I haven't got anything in particular to focus on. It's like I don't know what it is but it has to be something serious!! For what it's worth I'm actually going through something very similar at the moment. I had sinusitis last month, and ever since I have blood when I blow my nose every morning and sometimes after I sneeze. Like you it's not a nosebleed as such, just bloody mucus. Could be any number of things, dry air or a small bit of damage from sneezing/rubbing/blowing too hard, or allergies, or probably a combination of the above. Maybe get a saline spray or if you have a humidifier use that at night and see if that helps.

29-12-23, 15:04
It's just dried out from the winter air. Try to stop picking at it and let it actually scab over and heal. My daughter is a chronic nose bleeder and all winter she gets insane nose bleeds, but nothing brings the on more reliably than picking! She rarely gets one in the summer once the air gets less dry.

29-12-23, 16:46
well blowing too hard, picking, even putting tissue up there can cause it to bleed, our nose membranes are very sensitive and a tiny bit of blood is normal if you're doing all that over and over, winter air, like Erin said can cause it.

31-12-23, 18:00
If you have a humidifier you can run, especially at night beside where you sleep, that can be immensely helpful. As can saline nasal rinses or sprays (not decongestant sprays, specifically saline).

If the sore spot is not too far up, a little petroleum jelly (tiny amount, like just enough to get your finger a bit greasy) also helps.